Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharati Textbook Solutions Unit 1.6 The Alchemy of Nature

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.6 Warming Up Questions and Answers

Alchemy Of Nature Class 10 Question 1.
Rearrange the good qualities in each set, so that the first letter of each of the words should make a meaningful word. Join the sets and get a message.

Set 1: U nderstanding/A daptable/Tolerant/N eat/Encouraging Resourceful.
– The word is ……………………………………………………
Set 2: Selfless/Inspiring
– The word is ……………………………………………………
Set 3: Youthful/Modest
– The word is ……………………………………………………
Set 4: Affectionate/Compassionate/Empathetic/Earnest/Honest/Reliable/Trustworthy
– The word is ……………………………………………………
– The message is …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

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Alchemy Of Nature Class 10 Questions And Answers Question 2.
Various aspects of Nature have special features that make them differ from one another.
For example, Birds :- appearance, shape, colour, size, food habits, habitat, sound etc.
Write such special features of each of the following.
Land …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Water …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Trees …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Animals …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Insects …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Land: geographical features, soil colour, terrain, fertility, chemical composition, crops grown.

Water: width and length of various water bodies, chemical composition (sweet water, salt water), colours (according to sand beds), rocks, coral reefs, variety of sea creatures.

Trees: height and shape of leaves, changing (or unchanging) colour during seasons, fruits, flowers, medicinal products, types of soil, climate and habitat required for their existence.

AnImals: shapes, sizes, colours, different habitats, kinds: wild or domestic, place in the food chain.

Insects: shapes, sizes, colours, number of legs, different habitats, soundš, carriers of dIseases.

The Alchemy Of Nature Question Answer Question 3.
Make a list of living creatures in the alphabetical order. You can write more than one beginning with the same letter.
A …………………………………………………… B ……………………………………………………
C …………………………………………………… D ……………………………………………………
E …………………………………………………… F ……………………………………………………
G …………………………………………………… H ……………………………………………………
I …………………………………………………… J ……………………………………………………
K …………………………………………………… L ……………………………………………………
M …………………………………………………… N ……………………………………………………
O …………………………………………………… P ……………………………………………………
Q …………………………………………………… R ……………………………………………………
S …………………………………………………… T ……………………………………………………
U …………………………………………………… V ……………………………………………………
W …………………………………………………… Y ……………………………………………………
Z ……………………………………………………
A -alligator, antelope, ant, etc., B ……………. Z.

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The Alchemy of Nature Class 10 English Workshop Questions and Answers Maharashtra Board

The Alchemy Of Nature Questions And Answers Question 1.
What things in nature teach us the following :
(a) Nothing is impossible to achieve ……………………………………………………
(b) Problems are not permanent ……………………………………………………
(c) Be humble and adjust ……………………………………………………
(d) Make the best use of time and opportunity ……………………………………………………
(e) Be persistent ……………………………………………………
(f) Many hands make work light ……………………………………………………
(g) Delicate structures are not a sign of weakness ……………………………………………………
(a) Nothing is impossible to achieve: ants small bits of grass peeping from cracks In the concrete
(b) Problems are not permanent: trees that are bare in winter
(c) Be humble and adjust: water
(d) Make the best use of time and opportunity: flowers
(e) Be persistent: ants waler
(f) Many bands make light work: ants
(g) Delicate structures are not a sign of weakness: picr_webs

The Alchemy Of Nature English Workshop Question 2.
Read the questions from the lesson. What do they imply?
(a) Are you listening? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) What if we too lived our lives, however short, to its fullest? ……………………………………………………

(c) What if we too are consistent, organised, focused . . . ? ……………………………………………………
(a) It implies that one must listen.
(b) It Implies that we too should live our lives to… the fullest, however short they may be.
(c) It Implies that we too could do wonders If we were consistent, organised focussed

Question 3.
Go through the lesson again and complete the flow-chart that highlights the life of a ‘hibiscus’ flower.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.6 The Alchemy of Nature
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.6 The Alchemy of Nature 1

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Alchemy Of Nature Class 10 English Workshop Question 4.
Fill in the web.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.6 The Alchemy of Nature
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 1.6 The Alchemy of Nature 2

English Workshop 10th The Alchemy Of Nature Question 5.
The writer explains the contrasting features of ‘water’ and ‘rock’ in the lesson. Write all the features of both water and rock in the given table.

4.4. Maharashtra Board Solutions


1. gentle1. hard
2. persistent2. humble
3. persevering3. yielding
4. determined4. adaptable

Alchemy Of Nature Class 10 Solutions Question 6.
The writer has very positively described the different things in nature. Discuss with your partner the special features of each one of them. Add on the list.

Part of NatureSpecial featureValue learned
1. Rainbow…………………………………………
2. Caterpillar…………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………
6. ………………………………………………………………
7. ………………………………………………………………


Part of natureSpecial featureValue learnt
1. rainbowcheerfulness; acceptance.
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Even when there are problems in the surroundings, we must be cheerful and spread colour and happiness.
2. caterpillarpatience; acceptance.There is a bright and beautiful future ahead.
3. hibiscus floweroptimism; cheerfulnessHowever short life may be, we must live it to the fullest.
4. rocksobedience to nature; adjustment; humilityObey the commands of nature; adjust to the situation; be humble
5. bits of grassoptimism; perseverance.However impossible things may look, there is an opening.
6. bare treeoptimism, faith; convictionHowever difficult things are in the present, it will not remain so forever. With conviction we should remind ourselves that this too will pass.
7. waterperseverance; determination; humility.(i) Even colossal problems can be surmounted if we persist.
(ii) Learn to adapt to others without any hint of ego.

Alchemy Of Nature Questions And Answers Question 7.
Think and answer in your own words.
(a) How should you deal with difficulties and problems?
When coming across problems In lilt. I turn towards nature for inspiration. I try to understand how the different elements in nature deal with their difficulties and try to solve my own problems in the same way.

(b) ‘An oyster turns a grain of sand into a pearl.’ What can we learn from this example?
We learn that there Is a mysterious power or magic In nature that can change things dramatically.

(c) How does nature succeed in its ‘Alchemy’? What can it turn a small person into?
Nature succeeds in Its ‘Alchemy’ by changing things in a mysterious way. It can turn a small person Into anything he/she wishes one touches nature and becomes gold oneself.

(d) Which two aspects of nature teach us to accept change and adjust according to the situation?
With gentle humility, water changes its form according to the dictates of the sun and the wind. The bare trees wait patiently during the winter months for the arrival of spring, when they get Wesh green leaves. These two aspccts of nature teach us to accept change and adjust according to the situation.

(e) Why does the writer begin by quoting the lines from William Blake’s poem (Auguries of Innocence)?
These lines show that it we pause to relleci, there Is much beauty In nature and plenty that we cari learn from it. The write-up expands on the sanie idea, thus reflecting the philosophy of the quoted lines from William Blake.

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Question 8.
(A) Pick out from the lesson 10 examples of each.
Concrete Nouns (that you can touch or see)
For example, sand
(1) …………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………
(3) …………………………………………
(4) …………………………………………
(5) …………………………………………
(6) …………………………………………
(7) …………………………………………
(8) …………………………………………
(9) …………………………………………
(10) …………………………………………
(1) bird,
(2) ant,
(3) oyster.
(4) pearl.
(5) caterpillar,
(6) butterfly
(7) flower,
(8) ocean,
(9) rock,
(10) water.

Abstract Nouns (that which you cannot touch or see)
For example, infinity
(1) …………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………
(3) …………………………………………
(4) …………………………………………
(5) …………………………………………
(6) …………………………………………
(7) …………………………………………
(8) …………………………………………
(9) …………………………………………
(10) …………………………………………
(1) majesty.
(2) conviction.
(3) perseverance,
(4) passion
(5) infinity.
(6) Imagination,
(7) joy,
(8) significance,
(9) experience,
(10) difference.

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(B) Underline the verbs in the sentences below and say whether they are Transitive (needing an Object) or Intransitive (need not have an Object).
(1) One can witness and experience the beauty of Heaven.
(2) It leaves me in complete awe.
(3) Nature soothes and nurtures.
(4) It withers completely.
(5) The flower comes to life only for a day.
(6) A rainbow colours the entire sky.
(7) It smiles and dances.
(1) One can witness and experience the beauty of Heaven. (T)
(2) It leaves mc In complete awe. (T)
(3) Nature soothes and nurtures. (I)
(4) It withers completely. (I)
(5) The flower comes to life one for a day. (I)
(6) A rainbow colours the entire sky. (T)
(7) It smiles and dances. (I)

Question 9.
(A) Compose about 8 to 10 sets of imaginary dialogues between a bird, a tree and its fruit regarding the effects of environmental changes. Write it in your notebook.
Conversation between a bird, a tree and its fruit:
Conversation 1:
Bird: Hi there, tree! How are you doing?
Tree: Not too well. I can’t breathe. There’s too much of dust and smoke here.
Bird: What, here too? I’ve come here to escape just that!
Fruit: Wrong place, birdie. Look at me do I look healthy? I’m not growing. Too many insecticides have been sprayed on me.
Bird: Oh, oh. Maybe I should leave this place too.

Conversation 2:
Tree: Oh, no! Something is happening! My roots are getting loose!
Bird: That’s called erosion. Soil erosion.
Tree: What happens next?
Bird: The next time it rains heavily-boom! Down you will go! And away I will fly.
Tree: Can’t someone help me?
Fruit: What about me?

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(B) Prepare a Fact file of any of the following plants/trees, using the points given.
[coconut / neem / basil / cactus / apple]

  • Name of Plant/Tree …………………………………………
  • Scientific name …………………………………………
  • Region and climate …………………………………………
  • Features …………………………………………
  • Growth …………………………………………
  • Size, shape and colour …………………………………………
  • Uses …………………………………………
  • Any special feature …………………………………………

Profile of the Coconut Tree and Fruit
(1) Names: English name – Coconut Sanskrit name – Narikela Hindi name – Nariyal.
(2) Scientific name: cocos nucifera belongs to the family ‘Palmae’ or the palm family (also known as Arecaceae).
(3) Region and Climate: Tropical and sub-tropical coastal regions, especially near sea beaches.
(4) Features:

  • Fruit: has a thick fibrous coir over the hard shell inside the kernel colourless liquid;
  • leaves: feather-shaped and split into lots of leaflets.

(5) Growth – Size and shape: Coconut trees can: grow from 15 to 30 metres in height in plantations. Coconut fruits are oval in shape. The trunk of the coconut tree is ringed with scars where old leaves have fallen. The top of the trunk is crowned with a rosette of leaves. The leaves can grow up to 7 feet long and can have 250 leaflets.
(6) Uses:

  • Coir and leaves: matting, thatching and weaving.
  • Hard outer shell about 10 to 15 inches in length used to make articles such as spoons, eating utensils, charcoal, etc.
  • Inside of the shell: lined with a white edible layer called the meat used for cooking, or extraction of oil which is used in making soaps or cosmetics also to make chemical, industrial and medicinal products contains coconut water which is very nutritious.
  • Husk and leaves: used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decorating,

(7) Any special feature: Known in India as ‘kalpavriksha’ or the ‘tree of heaven’ because of its many uses the term coconut is derived from the 16th century Portuguese and Spanish, meaning ‘grinning face’, from the three small holes on the coconut shell that resemble human facial features.

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Question 10.
‘Impossible’ itself says ‘I M possible’. Do you agree? Justify your answer by citing something that you have experienced or heard from someone.
Yes, I agree. It is possible to do the most , difficult of things providing we have the will and conviction to do so. The example that comes to my mind as justification is that of Sudha Chandran, the j dancer. Though her leg was amputated below the knee, with great grit and determination she restarted dancing, and went on to become a famous dancer ! and actress. This shows that one can do things which seem to be impossible.

Question 11.
You have an environment protection week celebration in your school. You have invited an environmentalist. Your friend interviews him/her about how to save the environment. Frame suitable Interview Questions.
Jai interviews Mr. Ali, an environmentalist:
Jai: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our school. I would like to ask you a few questions for a write-up in our school magazine. My first question: What is your opinion about the concept of having am ‘environment protection week’ celebration?

Mr. Ali: I think it’s a wonderful idea, though I would not call it a ‘celebration’.

Jai: Why is that, sir?

Mr. Ali: Well, you have a celebration when you are happy about something. In our town, the protection of the environment is so poor that I, as an environmentalist, am not at all happy about it.

Jai: Can you give us some tips to protect the environment?

Mr. Ali: Certainly, my boy. First of all, we should grow more trees wherever possible. It should be made mandatory for every factory, office, residential building, etc. to plant trees before starting construction.

Jai: What about the menace of plastic, sir?

Mr. Ali: We cannot eliminate plastic completely however, the thickness of plastic bags and the methods of disposal should be made clear to all. Air, water and noise pollution must be dealt with too.

Jai: Please expand on that, sir.

Mr. Ali: Well, industrial and vehicular pollution must be controlled water bodies must be kept clean. Those who break rules must be penalized. Loudspeakers must be banned during the night hours. Oh, there are lots of things to be done, lots of things.

Jai: Thank you sir, for giving some of your precious time for this interview.

Question 12.
Write a News Report on the ‘Environment Day’ celebrated in your school.
Environment Day Celebrations
Nagpur, June 7: ‘World Environment Day’ was celebrated in New Era School with great fanfare on June 5. The main purpose of the celebration was j to spread awareness about the need to protect the: environment and the ways to do it.

The day was flagged off by a tree plantation drive in the locality. Three hundred quick-growing trees, which do not need much water on a daily basis, were planted near the school wall and in the surrounding area. An eminent environmentalist, Mr. A.T. Ali, spoke on the ways to protect the environment. He also judged the ‘Posters and Photographs’ exhibition “and gave away prizes for the best entries. Environmentally- friendly articles, like disposable plates and cups made from bamboo and banana stem, bags made from leaf waste, etc. were on sale. Students gave power-point ) presentations on the threats to the environment. Last i but not least, was the spirited debate on the topic ‘Man: The worst enemy of the Environment’.

All in all, the day was a great success, and has certainly made a difference to the way we view our environment.

– Josh Matthew
New Era School.

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Question 13.
Just For Laughs! Enjoy!
Divide the class into two groups. On 12 to 15 slips of paper, Group A writes 12 to 15 conditional clauses beginning with ‘If’.
(For example, If I work very hard, ………………………………………………)
Group B writes 12 to 15 main clauses.)
(For example, I would/shall have a pizza.)
Now, one student from Group ‘A’ reads the first conditional clause (possibility) and one student from Group ‘B’ reads the first main clause. It forms crazy sentences, just for laughter and fun. ENJOY!

Question 14.
Pick out the statements that are false and write them correctly:
(1) On the beach. the author found rocks carved and sculpted by the wInd.
(2) The hibiscus flower smiles with the sun and dances with the wind.
(3) Rocks take the shape that (he water commands.
(4) Our problems are big and so are we.
Statements (1) and (4) are false. The corrected statements are:
(1) On the beach, the author found rocks carved and sculpted by the water.
(4) Our problems are very big, and we are very small.

Question 15.
ExplaIn how the hibiscus flower makes the most of Its short life span.
The hibiscus flower smiles with the sun and dances with the wind. The flower comes to life only for a day yet It makes the most of the day by living its short life in full splendour, with big, bright and tender blooms.

Question 16.
Complete the flowchart that highlights the life of a hibiscus flower:
The life of a hibiscus flower

Question 17.
Guess the meaning of the ‘splendour’.
Splendour – great beauty which attracts admiration and attention.

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Question 18.
Choose the correct ‘not only … but also …….’ form of the sentence:
Natures soothes and nurtures.
(a) Not only nature soothes but nurtures also.
(b) Nature soothes not only but also nurtures.
(c) Nature soothes but also nurtures not only.
(d) Nature not only soothes but also nurtures.
(d) Nature not only soothes but also nurtures.

Question 19.
By evening It falls and becomes one with the earth again. (Rewrite using the ‘-tng form of the underlined word.)
By evening it falls, becoming one with the earth agaIn.

Question 20.
Who Is stronger – water or rocks? Justify your answer.
I think water is stronger. It wears down tue hard rock by its gentle patience, persistence and perseverance

Question 21.
State whether the ¿ilowlng statements are True or False: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(i) The spider’s webs are delicate as well as weak. ‘ False
(Ii) The teamwork and perseverance of ants were Impressive. True

Question 22.
What teaches us that hard times do not last forever? How?
The following things teach us that hard times do not last forever:
(i) bits of grass peeping through small cracks in a concrete pavement and
(ii) the green leaves on a tree In spring The grass had been nearly destroyed by the concrete but had come to life again. The tree had been bare all through the cold winter months, before regaining Its former green majesty.

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Question 23.
Choose the sentence In the Past Perfect Tense from the sentences given below:
(a) The ants had organised themselves around the fly.
(b) The ants organized themselves around the fly.
(c) The ants hat’e organized themselves around the Jly.
(a) The ants had organised themselves around the fly.

Question 24.
A rainbow colours the entire sky. (Begin the sentence with The entire sky …‘)
The entire sky is coloured by a rainbow.

Question 25.
However Impossible things may look, there Is always an opening. (Rewrite beginning with ‘Even if..’.)
Even if things, look Impossible. there is always an openIng.

Question 26.
Spider webs are delicate, yet very strong. (Rewrite beginning with ‘Although ….)
Although spider webs arc delicate, they are very strong.

Question 27.
(1) PIck out an Infinitive from the lesson and use It In your own sentence.
(2) Punctuate what If we too had lived our lives however short to its fullest
(3) Find out two hidden words from the given word: approaches
(4) Make a meaningful sentence by using the given phrase: set In
(5) Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence: When I do. It leave me In complete awe.
(6) IdentIfy the type of sentence: However dimcult things are right now, it will not remain so forever.
(7) WrIte the following words In alphabetical order: perseverance, withers, majesty, ‘oysters.
(8) Pick ont the verb from the following that can form both the present and past participle by doubling the last letter, and write the forms: hit. admtt. turn, feed
(1) I went to the beach because I wanted to see the ship.
(2) What if we too had lived our lives, however short, to Its fullest?
(3) approaches — approach, perch (cheap, peach, preach)
(4) Many people try to avoid being In Mumbal when the summer sets in.
(5) When I do, It leaves me In complete awe,
(6) Assertive sentence (negative)
(7) majesty, oysters, perseverance, withers
(8) admit — admitting, admitted

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Question 28.
Write 4 words related to things in nature.
(1) (i) We must plant more trees to attract rain.
(ii) The new plant started production last year.
(2) We had gone to a rocky beach.
(3) We are soothed and nurtured by nature.
(4) Nature: sand, flower, tree, sun, ocean, rock. water, grass

Question 29.
(1) Use the following word as a verb and a noun in two separate sentences: touch
(2) Analyse the sentence: We saw small bits of grass peeping through the small cracks in a concrete pavement.
(1) (i) “Can you touch the sky. Papa7 asked the little girl. (verb)
(ii) The old lady would wake UI) at the slightest touch. (noun)
(2) Simple Sentence.