Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


A Strange Truth – ‘Handicapped are those who refuse to take up challenges, even with all their senses and physiology in perfect condition.’

Question 1.
Understand and discuss the above truth.
(वरील सत्याविषयी समजून घ्या व चर्चा करा.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 2.
How can you encourage such people to change and become confident? Discuss at least 4 to 5 ways you can do the above.
1. The discussion should be related to the people who are not really disabled mentally or physically. This truth is about the people who are mentally and physically perfect but avoid, hesitate or neglect doing something challenging. By some reasons, they are not ready to change their attitude or fixed ideas. They don’t wish to change their mindset and stick to their passive and inactive attitude.

2. Think and try to understand the reasons behind their lethargy, inactiveness or indifference and try to encourage them and give them confidence.

3. Ways to encourage them and give confidence :

  • Know his mindset, know his/her handicaps and obstacles he faced.
  • Talk to him/her in friendly manner about his good qualities.
  • Give examples of successful persons who have faced the challenges.
  • Advice him/her to be brave, courageous and active.
  • Help him/her in the fields where he/she lacks (confidence, courage, boldness, openness, etc.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

1. There are pleasant and polite ways of referring to people with physical and mental disabilities. Fill in the table below:

Question 1.
There are pleasant and polite ways of referring to people with physical and mental disabilities. Fill in the table below:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage 1

Previously used TermNew Polite Terms
1. Blind(a) Visually challenged
2. Deaf(b) Hearing impaired
3. Dumb(c) Speech impaired
4. mad(d) mentally ill
5. lame(e) physically handicapped
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

2. Read the beginning and complete the story in your own words:
Sumit, the son oç a shoe maker, was a highly intelligent student in a municipal school. His Maths teacher Called him 1Einstein’, for he was brilliant in Maths.
He loved Maths. umit wanted to study further after C, however he suffered
from Polio and …..
Now, continue the story with a favourable/positive ending.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

English Workshop:

1. Match the following. 

Question 1.
Match the following.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage 2

Group ‘A’Group ‘B’
1. Galileo(d) The greatest scientist 300 years before Hawking.
2. Dr. Stephen Hawking(c) The greatest scientist of this century.
3. Black Holes(a) The concept which helped Stephen to get his Ph.D.
4. Stephen’s favourite subjects(b) Music andMathematics
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

2. Complete the following web-chart containing the qualities of Dr. Stephen Hawking.

Question 1.
Complete the following web-chart containing the qualities of Dr. Stephen Hawking.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

3. Arrange the following statements according to the occurance in the life history of Dr Stephen Hawking.

Question 1.
Arrange the following statements according to the occurance in the life history of Dr Stephen Hawking.
(a) At the age of 17, Stephen noticed that he fell down a couple of times for no reason.
(b) He became a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US National Academy of Science.
(c) He believes that in the next millenium, science will discover the core secrets of the universe.
(d) Stephen was born on 8th January, 1942 and then grew up like an average child and a normal teenager.
(e) The disease worked its way into Stephen’s body and left him disabled.
(f) Stephen decided to continue his doctoral research work with renewed vigor.
(g) Stephen was diagnosed with a rare disease – ALS or LOU.
(h) Though confined to a wheelchair he worked on computer and expressed his thoughts.
(a) Stephen was born on 8th January, 1942 and then grew up like an average child and a normal teenager.
(b) At the age of 17, Stephen noticed that he fell down a couple of times for no reason.
(c) Stephen was diagnosed with a rare disease- ALS or LOU.
(d) Stephen decided to continue his doctoral research work with renewed vigour.
(e) The disease worked its way into Stephen’s body and left him disabled.
(f) Though confined to a wheelchair he worked on computer and expressed his thoughts.
(g) He became a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US National Academy of Science.
(h) He believes that in the next millennium, science will discover the core secrets of the universe.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

4. Homographs – Pairs of words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings, in different contexts.
For example

  • watch – observe
  • watch – device that shows time

Question 1.
Use the following words in two different contexts.
(a) couple – couple
1. The bowler managed to take a couple of wickets.
2. The elderly couple was taking a walk in the park.

(b) mind – mind
1. There were many thoughts in his mind, before he left his house.
2. Do you mind, if I put on the fan?

(c) space – space
1. We shall make some space for our new table.
2. Man is thinking of building a space station on the moon.

(d) sound – sound
1. The loud sound at midnight startled everyone.
2. His idea of celebrating birthday in a different way sounds quite interesting.

(e) left – left
1. Go straight and then turn left to reach the station.
2. As soon as he completed his Ph.D., he left for USA.

5. Use the following words/phrases in your own sentences.

Question 1.
Use the following words/phrases in your own sentences.
(a) quirk of fate
(b) confined to
(c) exaggeration
(d) an epitome of
(e) millennium.
(a) By the quirk of fate, all the members of the happy family died in an accident.
(b) My neighbour is confined to bed for a long time with paralysis.
(c) He told me the strange news without any . exaggeration.
(d) The champion cricketer is an epitome of modesty
(e) I believe that man will go to stay on other planets before the next millennium.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

6. Expand the given themes. Make use of this support/hints:

Question 1.

Expand the given themes.Make use of this support/hints:
(a) If you fall ill during your final exam.First step/what to do support/help
(b) If you meet a disabled person who needs help.Act/behave
Contact whom?
(c) If your friend is in trouble.Gestures/Body language
(d) If you meet a great person like Dr. Stephen Hawking.Plan/organise
Face /Handle/Overcome Succeed/Accomplish

Question a.
Falling ill during the Final Exam.
If I fall ill during my final exam, I’ll feel worried in the beginning. But soon I’ll collect myself and will face the problem boldly. Determinedly I’ll continue to appear for the remaining exam papers because there will be no reason getting into a panic about the final exam. I already have completed my study and revised it well before the exam.
My parents, I am sure, will be there to nurse me well and look after my health, medicines and my fast recovery. My friends also will help me in my

studies. They will comfort me and give me confidence. If I feel a little better, I myself will continue my studies for the final exam. So everything will fall into place.

Question b.
Helping a Disabled Person.
If I meet a disabled person who needs help, I’ll treat him kindly. I shall sympathetically enquire about his difficulties and his requirements. I shall, with the help of my friends, try to provide him with the things he needs. If his needs are beyond our reach, we shall contact the persons or the organizations who could support him and fulfill his needs and requirements. We shall continue our efforts till he meets all his essential needs and equipment.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question c.
Helping a Friend in Trouble.
If any of my friends is in trouble, I will immediately visit him and find out the nature of his trouble. I shall try to pacify him if he is really very much affected. I shall console him if his trouble is because of emotional or financial problems. My friends and I will promise him to share his problem if he speaks it up clearly and freely. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. We shall advise him to be patient and tolerate the situation bravely and courageously. We shall try to help and support our friend in every possible way.

Question d.
Meeting a Great Person like Dr. Stephen Hawking.
Before meeting such a great person like Dr. Stephen Hawking, I will have to preplan my visit and get permission for the visit from him. I must be ready with the information about his life history, his characteristics, his education, his achievements and his display of exemplary courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

It is difficult to face and get to talk to such an awe-inspiring person. But I know how to handle myself in this situation. I will talk to him boldly and respectfully. I will overcome my fear of meeting such a great man. I will tell him how I am impressed and inspired by his work and achievements. I will get the greatest joy of my life in meeting such a great personality.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

7. You happen to meet a successful person who is a disabled. Write an imaginary dialogue between you and him/her. You can take support of the hints provided.

Question 1.
You happen to meet a successful person who is a disabled. Write an imaginary dialogue between you and him/her. You can take support of the hints provided.
(a) introductionlwelcome/greetings
(b) congratulating/honouring
(c) cause/reason for the disability
(d) decisionlplan/organisationlimplementation
(e) idols in life
(f) parents/friends – support if any
(g) success stories/accomplishments
(h) conclusion/final message if any
An Imaginary Dialogue between Sumit, a disabled and you:

  • Myself: Hello, Sir, nice to meet you. I have read that you have received ‘The Sangeet Samrat’ Award of our city. Congratulations!
  • Sumit: Yes, you are right, and thank you for your good wishes.
  • Myself: You are confined to the wheelchair and both your legs are amputated. What made you disabled?
  • Sumit: At the age of five I was crippled by Polio, The disease worked its way into my legs and they had to be amputated. I was confined to this wheelchair since then.
  • Myself: I wonder how you could achieve such a great feat. Didn’t you feel depressed?
  • Sumit: That is a long story. Music was in my blood. My father was a great classical singer. I used to listen to him since my childhood. He was my first Guru.
  • Myself: With all your sufferings and this disability, what made you live a normal life and who inspired you?

Sumit: God is great! And courage is a wonderful thing! I was optimistic, so I faced the calamity without losing heart. Fortunately one of our teachers in our special school inspired me. He told me the story of Wilma Rudolf whose legs were crippled by Polio. Even then she wanted to become the fastest runner in the world and she did it! She practised with determination.

She failed in many races got up started again. The day came when she reached Rome for participating in the 1960 Olympics. In women’s running races (events), she won gold medals in 100 metres running, 200 metres running and 400 metres relay race, defeating all the participants. She became the fastest runner in the then world. The story inspired me and I started my riyaz undauntedly for hours together and here I am today.

  • Myself: Were there any obstacles?
  • Sumit: Yes, there were. I faced them boldly and moved ahead. People began to admire my songs and music. Now people respect me as rich and famous, but a humble music director.
  • Myself: Could you please tell me about the most memorable day in your career as a music composer?
  • Sumit: Yes, It is unforgettable that I received my ‘Sangeet Samrat Award’ from Godlike Guru Pandit Hridaynath Mangeshkar.
  • Myself: What are your plans for future?
  • Sumit: I will continue my service to music and please my fans.
  • Myself: What is your advice to the younger generation?
  • Sumit: Come what may. Work hard determinently. Win over your physical or mental calamities courageously. Don’t give up and try your best to get success in life.
  • Myself: Thank you for giving your precious time and talk.
  • Sumit: It’s my pleasure!

Language Study:

1. Complete the following Word Chain of adjectives.

Question 1.
Complete the following Word Chain of adjectives
(a) cruel →____→ ____ → ____ → ____.
(b) medicine →____ → ____ → ____ → ____.
(c) grow →____ →____ → ____ → ____.
(d) physics →______ → ______→ ______ → ______.
(a) cruel → lazy → yearlong → genuine → enthusiastic.
(b) medicine → energy → yardstick → keyboard → diary.
(c) grow → withstand → develop → practice → entertain.
(d) physics → secretary → yawn → nature → eligible

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

2. (A) Convert the following to Exclamatory sentences of the same meaning.

Question 1.
Convert the following to Exclamatory sentences of the same meaning.
(a) Dr Hawking is a very humble man.
(b) He was very clumsy.
(c) He was very simple and intelligent.
(d) Courage is a truly wonderful thing.

(a) How humble a man Dr. Hawking is!
(b) How clumsy was he!
(c) How simple and intelligent was he!
(d) How truly wonderful a thing courage is!

(B) Convert the following to Interrogative (Question) form.

Question 1.
Convert the following to Interrogative (Question) form.

  1. The prognosis was bad.
  2. Stephen decided to continue his research.
  3. There are many people who display exemplary courage.
  4. His mind would soar up into space like light.


  1. Wasn’t the prognosis bad?
  2. Didn’t Stephen decide to continue his research?
  3. Aren’t there many people who display exemplary courage?
  4. Wouldn’t his mind soar up into space, like light?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passage and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the information from the passage:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Dr. Stephen Hawking was born on the eighth day of January 1942 in Oxford.
  2. Courage is the quality which makes people not to lose heart when faced with a great calamity.
  3. Dr. Stephen Hawking was a living legend of Cosmology.
  4. He wanted to study mathematics but the Oxford University did not have mathematics course then, so he opted to study physics instead.
  5. Stephen Hawking’s parents failed to know ! about Stephen that one day their little boy ; will be acclaimed as one of the greatest scientist of this century.
  6. Stephen Hawkings was sent to the University of Oxford to study Mathematics.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 2.
State whether the following sentences are True or False:

  1. Dr. Stephen Hawking was born on the eighth day of February 1942. – False
  2. Dr. Stephen Hawking was a living legend of Biology. – False
  3. Courage makes people not lose heart when faced with a great calamity. – True
  4. Dr. Stephen Hawking was born before the death of Galileo. – False

Question 3.
Say whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. At the age of 17 Dr. Stephen Hawking was suffering from an extremely rare disease. – True
  2. Stephen’s teachers liked his handwriting very much. – False
  3. He got his Ph.D. studying the concept of ‘Black Holes’. – True
  4. At the dismal stage Dr. Hawking enjoyed his life the most. – True
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Dr. Hawking is a very humble man, though he is considered Einstein’s equal in intelligence.
  2. Dr. Hawking expressed his thoughts with the help of his finger and with a computer.
  3. He was bestowed with numerous honorary doctorates and awards.
  4. Dr. Hawking’s ‘A Brief History of Time’ is one of the best selling books of our time.

Complex Factual Activities

Question 1.
What do you know about Dr Stephen Hawking from this passage?
Dr Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford on the 8th of January 1942. Nobody could imagine that the little boy would be one of the greatest scientists of this century. He faced a great calamity with great courage and became living legend of Cosmology. His body was bound to a wheelchair but his mind was working and that made him one of the greatest scientists of this century.

As a child he had a lot of love for music and mathematics. His father wanted him to study medicine but he was bent on studying mathematics. The Oxford University did not have a course in mathematics, so he opted to study physics.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 2.
Complete the web:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
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Question 3.
Complete the following web showing the effects of the disease ALS or LOU on Dr Hawking:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
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Question 4.
What did Dr. Stephen achieve even after the disease disabled him?
Even after the disease disabled Stephen he continued his doctoral research work with renewed vigour. He studied the concept of “Black Holes” and got his Ph.D. in the subject. The study sparked his imagination with bright ideas. He made many epoch-making statements that shook established theories. To explain the concept of ‘Big Bang’ better, Stephen invented what is known as “Lie Algebra”.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 5.
What does the writer say about the books authored by Dr. Hawking?
The writer says about Dr. Hawking’s books that he wrote many books dealing with his terrific ideas keeping a common man in mind. His writing is full of wit and humour. His style is so lucid that non-scientists can also understand his writing. His book ‘A Brief History of Time’ is one of the best selling books of our time.

Question 6.
Which of Dr. Hawking’s achievements are mentioned in this passage?
Dr. Hawking is an authority on profound subjects of science. Numerous honorary doctorates and awards have been bestowed upon him. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He has authored many books dealing with his awesome ideas. His book ‘A Brief History of Time’ is one of best selling books of our times.

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Classify the following words into verbs, adjectives and nouns:
whole, know, little, predict, calamity, legend, mind, physics, great, imagine, wonderful, cruel, courage, faced, grew, heart, fate, course.

  1. Verbs – know, predict, imagine, faced, grew
  2. Adjectives – little, wonderful, cruel, whole, great
  3. Nouns – calamity, legend, mind, physics, courage, heart, fate, course
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 2.
Find the similar meaning word/phrase for the following from the passage

  1. a period of hundred years – century
  2. a very fine example of something – epitome
  3. acclaimed – hailed
  4. unexpected change of destiny – quirk of fate

Question 3.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. confined(a) determined despite difficulties
2. undaunted(b) awkward
3. perplexed(c) restricted
4. clumsy(d) worried because of difficulty


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. confined(c) restricted
2. undaunted(a) determined despite difficulties
3. perplexed(d) worried because of difficulty
4. clumsy(b) awkward
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 4.
Write the adjectives for the following nouns from the passage:

  1. ideas
  2. style
  3. courage
  4. secrets.


  1. awesome ideas
  2. lucid style
  3. exemplary courage
  4. core secrets
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 5.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. profound(a) a person without any special skill
2. awesome(b) a perfect example
3. layman(c) showing very (knowledge) great
4. quintessence(d) very impressive


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. profound(c) showing very (knowledge)
2. awesome(d) very impressive
3. layman(a) a person without any special skill
4. quintessence(b) a perfect example

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Make the following sentences exclamatory:

i. Courage is truly a wonderful thing.
What a wonderful thing courage is!

ii. He was very clumsy.
How clumsy he was!

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 2.
Change the following sentence into positive and comparative degree:
Dr Hawking is one of the greatest scientists of this century.
i. Positive degree: Very few (Not many) scientists of this century are as great as Dr. Hawking.
ii. Comparative degree: Dr. Hawking is greater than most other scientists of this century.

Question 3.
He is one of the greatest scientists of this century. (Choose the correct question tag from the given alternatives.)
(a) aren’t he?
(b) is he?
(c) wasn’t he?
(d) isn’t he?
He is one of the greatest scientists of this century; isn’t he?

Question 4.
He made many epoch-making statements. (Rewrite the sentence using Present Continuous Tense.)
He is making many epoch-making statements.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 5.
This disease came as a bolt from the blue. (Rewrite the sentence using Past Perfect Tense.)
This disease had come as a bolt from the blue.

Personal Responses:

Question 1.
Do you think, that courage is a wonderful thing? Why do you think so?
Yes, I do think that courage is a wonderful I think because it can work miracles in one’s life. A person with great courage stimulates an ordinary or even a disabled person to achieve the impossible, I know a small boy who rescued his younger sister from a tiger’s fierce attack. A courageous person is brave enough to do whatever he/she feels to be right and good in his or her opinion.

Question 2.
What, do you think, are the miseries of a person who is confined to wheelchair?
I think, the person who is confined to a wheelchair has to face many restrictions, difficulties and inconveniences. He is mentally and physically depressed all the time. He is deprived of living comfortable happy life. He neither has control over his limbs nor on his mind.

Question 3.
How do you know that Dr. Hawking is a perfect example of optimism and hope?
He fully believed in his courage, his intelligence and his authority on profound subjects of science. He did not lose his hopes, even when he was suffering from the dreaded ALS disease. He believed that his life was not different from other people. He tried his best and lived a normal life like other people. He did not think about his sufferings or regret the things that prevented him from doing the things he hoped. His optimism helped him to fulfill his hopes and goals.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Do as directed:

Question 1.
His writing is full of wit and humour.
(Rewrite the sentence using Past Perfect Tense.)
His writing had been full of wit and humour.

Question 2.
He is a fellow of the Royal society and a member of the US National Academy of Science.
(Use not only – but also)
He is not only a fellow of the Royal society but also a member.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Activities based on Language Study

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using the correct letter:

  1. d e _ t h
  2. s t _ g e
  3. b o o _ s
  4. b _ a v e


  1. d e a t h
  2. s t a g e
  3. b o o k s
  4. b r a v e

Question 2.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:

  1. profound, prognosis, planet, possible
  2. undaunted, confined, awesome, explain


  1. planet, possible, profound, prognosis
  2. awesome, confined, explain, undaunted
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

Question 3.
Punctuate the following sentences:

  1. he said to her we must have to come out of this calamity
  2. shall we reach meeras house on time i asked.


  1. He said to her, “We must have to come out of this calamity.”
  2. “Shall we reach Meera’s house on time?” I asked.

Question 4.
Make four words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the word meanwhile:
mean, while, meal, mile

Question 5.
Write related words as shown in the example:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
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Do as directed:

1. Attempt anyone:

b. Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.
Nobody thought that
Nobody thought that he would become such a great sportsman.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage

2. Attempt anyone:

a. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
1. known
2. lucky
1. unknown
2. unlucky


b. Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
1. known
2. lucky
1. Satyendra Nath Bose was one of the known scientists of India.
2. Our school team was lucky to win the Kabaddi match at the last moment.