Maharashtra Board Class 7 Civics Solutions Chapter 5 Fundamental Rights Part 2

Chapter 5 Fundamental Rights Part 2

Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write about the following:

Question 1.
The Constitution prevents the imposition of religious taxes.

  • State cannot impose religious taxes that might be used to encourage a particular religion. That is, our Constitution forbids religious taxes.
  • This is done in order to broaden the scope of religious freedom.

Question 2.
What is meant by Right to Constitutional Remedies?

  • In case of encroachment of Fundamental Rights, the Indian citizens have the right to get judicial remedies is also a fundamental right.
  • This is called the Right to Constitutional Remedies.
  • This means providing legal remedies in case people’s rights get violated.
  • So, it becomes a Constitutional duty of the courts to protect the rights of the people.

2. Find one appropriate word:

Question 1.
Protection from illegal arrest and detention.
Habeas Corpus

Question 2.
To restrain a person from acting in an office to which he is not entitled.
Quo Warranto

Question 3.
The order of the Supreme Court or the High Court commanding the government to perform an action that is its duty to perform.

Question 4.
The order preventing a Subordinate Court from exceeding its jurisdiction.

3. State the reason why we are free to practise the following:

Question 1.
All Indian citizens can celebrate all festivals joyfully, because

  • In India, we have a great diversity of festivals. Our Constitution has given the different communities the right to preserve their cultural uniqueness.
  • This is guaranteed by our Constitution by giving the citizens the Right to Freedom of Religion.
  • So we are free to celebrate all festivals joyfully.

Question 2.
We can make efforts towards the preservation and propagation of our language, its script and literature, because…

  • Cultural and Educational Rights in our Constitution gives the communities the right to preserve their cultural uniqueness.
  • So we are free to make efforts towards preservation and propagation our language, its script and literature

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

Question 1.
We can approach the ______ in case of infringement of our rights (Court, Police, Government)

Question 2.
________ education cannot be made compulsory in educational institutions that get aid from the state. (Political, Religious, Racial)

Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate words from the options given below:

Question 1.
_____ right provides freedom to establish institutions for religious reasons. (Right to Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, Right to Constitutional remedies)
Right to Religion

Question 2.
_____ is the right which gives people freedom to preserve their own language, script and literature. (Right to Freedom of Religion, Right to Equality, Cultural and Educational Rights)
Cultural and Educational Rights

Question 3.
Sometimes the rights that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution may get encroached upon and we are not able to exercise our rights and this is called _______.(violation of our rights, infringement of our rights, deprivation of our rights)
infringement of our rights

Question 4.
The writ which ensures protection from unlawful arrest and detention is ________. (Mandamus, Certiorari, Habeas Corpus)
Habeas Corpus

Question 5.
The writ which prevents a subordinate court from exceeding its jurisdiction is _____. (Prohibition, Quo Warranto, Certiorari)

Question 6.
The writ which restrains a person from acting in an office to which he is not entitled is ________. (Prohibition, Quo Warranto, Mandamus)
Quo Warranto

Question 7.
The writ which orders removal of a lawsuit from a subordinate court to superior court is ______. (Habeas corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari)

Question 8.
There are ______, protection available for judicial rights. (judicial, religious, educational)

Question 9.
There are _______ official languages in Indian Constitution. (22, 28, 24)

Question 10.
While considering fundamental rights, we also need to remember our _______. (duties, belief, self-interest)

Answer in one or two sentence:

Question 1.
In which educational institutions is it not allowed to make religious education compulsory?
Religious education cannot be made compulsory in educational institutions that receives aid from the state.

Question 2.
In which aspects of social life of our country do we witness diversity?
We can see that there is a great diversity of festivals, food and ways of life in the social life of our country.

Question 3.
Write any one right given to the different communities to preserve their cultural uniqueness.
The communities can establish institutions for the development of their language.

Question 4.
Which Fundamental Right ensures that there is no encroachment on our Fundamental Rights?
The Right to Constitutional Remedies is the Fundamental Right which ensures that there is no encroachment on our Fundamental Rights.

Question 5.
What is called an infringement of our rights?
Sometimes the rights that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution may get encroached upon and we are not able to exercise our rights. This is called an infringement of our rights.

Question 6.
What does protection of Fundamental Rights by the courts ensure?
Protection of Fundamental Rights by courts ensure that the citizens are able to exercise their Fundamental Rights and that they can fulfil their roles as alert, responsible and active citizens.

State the reason why we are free to practice the following:

Question 1.
We can move to court if there is encroachment of Fundamental Rights because….
(i) In case of encroachment of Fundamental Rights, the Indian citizens have the right to get judicial remedies.

(ii) The Right to Constitutional Remedies is a Fundamental Right. So we can move the court if there is an encroachment on Fundamental Rights.

Write about the following:

Question 1.
what is each Indian free to practise?
According to Right to Freedom of Religion, each Indian citizen is free to practise any religion and to establish institutions for religious reasons.

Question 2.
What right has our Constitution given to different communities?

  • One of our Fundamental Rights is Cultural and Educational Rights.
  • Our Constitution has given the different communities the rights to preserve their cultural uniqueness.

Question 3.
What does the court do if there is infringement of our rights?
The court considers our complaint, investigates it and in case it is convinced that rights have indeed been infringed upon and injustice has been done to the aggrieved individual, the court gives an appropriate verdict.

Question 4.
Give some instances which illustrate the infringement of rights:
Some instances of infringement of rights are:

  • Arresting an individual without reason.
  • Preventing a person from leaving a village or a town without giving a valid reason.
  • Refusing food, water or medicines to jail inmates.

Let’s us discuss:

Question 1.
How many official languages are listed in the Constitution?
Currently there are 22 scheduled languages in India.

Question 2.
Which institutions have been established by the Maharashtra State Government for the further development of the Marathi language?
Some institutions established by Maharashtra State Government for the further development of Marathi language are:

  • Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Nathya Parishad.
  • Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad – Pune.
  • Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha.
  • Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya Mahamandal.

Question 3.
Is the reaction of this Government official right or wrong?
An officer tells a woman who presents all the documents for getting the benefits of a scheme i for destitutes, “You don’t look like a destitute” and refuses her the benefits of the scheme. In this instance, do you think the woman’s right has been infringed? Where should she go to get redressal?

  • The reaction of this government official is incorrect since the woman has presented all the documents pertaining to the scheme.
  • This is encroachment of her Fundamental Rights.
  • She should move to court and lodge a complaint and seek constitutional remedy for infringement of her rights.

Find out and discuss:

Question 1.
How many official languages are listed in the Constitution?
The Eight schedules of the Constitution consists,of the following 22 languages:

  1. Assamese
  2. Bengali
  3. Gujarati
  4. Hindi
  5. Kannada
  6. Kashmiri
  7. Konkani
  8. Malayalam
  9. Manipuri
  10. Marathi
  11. Nepali
  12. Oriya
  13. Punjabi
  14. Sanskrit
  15. Sindhi
  16. Tamil
  17. Telugu
  18. Urdu
  19. Bodo
  20. Santhali
  21. Maithili
  22. Dogri.

Question 2.
Do you think that all the work of the government and the courts should be done in Marathi in Maharashtra? What should be done to do so?
Yes, I do think that all the work of the government and courts should be done in Marathi in Maharashtra since Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra To achieve this

  • Marathi, as well as non-Marathi speakers working in the government organizations and courts, should be given formal training in Marathi.
  • Workshops can be conducted to train people for conversing and corresponding in Marathi.
  • What should be done at the school – level

Question 3.
for the development of your language and culture?

  • Schools should encourage reading of books written in the respective language.
  • School should make students acquainted with different fors of literature.
  • School should establish a language club.