Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

My English Coursebook Std 9 Guide Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

  1. Do you have a pet? What do you call it?
  2. How old is it? What does it look like?
  3. What does it eat? Who takes care of it?
  4. Does it understand you? What does it do?
  5. Have you taught it any tricks?
  6. Do you refer to it as ‘it’ or as ‘he’/ ‘she’?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

1. You must have seen and liked a play (in any language) on the stage. Write down the following details about it:

Question 1.
You must have seen and liked a play (in any language) on the stage. Write down the following details about it: (Answers are directly given.)
(a) Name of the play: “All the best” – By Devendra Pem.
(b) Important Characters: A blind, A dumb, A deaf, and A girl.
(c) Its main theme: All the three best friends like the same girl and do not want her to know of their disabilities. They try to outdo each other to win her affection.
(d) Whether it was a Comedy/Tragedy/Social Theme or any other: It was a total comedy.
(e) Why you liked it: The play is a humorous take on three friends and the situation that arises when they fall in love with the same girl. It is presented in such a lively manner that one can’t stop laughing while watching it. So I liked it very much.
(f) Message of the play: A modern perspective towards love, especially the hardships in the love of physically challenged.
(g) Any other information about the play: The roles played by all characters are amazing and we never feel bored while watching it. Their ploy and plans to woo and win the girl are source of wit in the play.

2. The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets:

Question 1.
The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets:
(a) Characters Enter (2)
(b) Climax (6)
(c) Curtain opens (1)
(d) Action begins (3)
(e) Scene of the play (5)
(f) Curtain closes (8)
(g) Finale (Final outcome) (7)
(h) Interaction of characters (4)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

3. William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights of all times. He lived in the 16th century. Many of Shakespearean plays have been written in the short-story form. Find out the names of at least 5 of Shakespearean plays:

Question 1.
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights of all times. He lived in the 16th century. Many of Shakespearean plays have been written in the short-story form. Find out the names of at least 5 of Shakespearean plays: Example: Romeo and Juliet.

  1. As you like it
  2. Hamlet
  3. Othello
  4. Twelfth Night
  5. The Taming of the Shrew.

English Workshop:

1. Write down the relation between the characters given below:

Question 1.
Write down the relation between the characters given below:
(Answers are directly given.)
(a) Prospero and Miranda – Father and daughter
(b) Prospero and Antonio – Brothers
(c) Gonzalo and Prospero – Lord and Duke
(d) Sycorax and Caliban – mother and son
(e) Alonso and Sebastian – brothers
(f) Alonso and Ferdinand – father and son

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

2. Find two supporting points from the story to prove the following facts:

Question 1.
Antonio was a disloyal and dangerous man.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) He wanted to become Duke of Milan in his brother’s place.
(b) Antonio wouldn’t have hesitated to kill his brother Prospero.

Question 2.
Gonzalo was loyal to the rightful Duke.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Among Prospero’s courtiers was a true and loyal Lord called Gonzalo.
(b) Out of love and loyalty for the rightful duke he had secretly placed in the boat fresh water, food and clothes, and along with them, Prospero’s most valued possessions, his books.

Question 3.
Prospero was a great magician.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Prospero was a great magician for his life had been devoted to the study of magic.
(b) The power of his art enabled him to set free “the imprisoned spirits of whom Ariel was the chief’.

Question 4.
Miranda was very kind-hearted.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Miranda, a kind-hearted girl begged her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
(b) Please, please quell the storm now! Save the poor souls on board!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 5.
Ariel was very faithful to Prospero.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Ariel appeared before Prospero to give an account of the storm.
(b) He gave lively story of the fears of the sailors, the anxiety of the lords and how Prince Ferdinand had leaped into the sea.

Question 6.
The story ‘The Tempest’ has a happy ending.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Prospero was happy and pleased to be I back in Milan and forgave his old enemies who had wronged him cruelly.
(b) Even though they had been at mercy, he did not take revenge on them, but very nobly forgave them.

3. Who said to whom and when?

Question 1.
Who said to whom and when?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 1

  1. ………. and you shall be my Queen.
  2. “Follow me, I shall tie you up, neck and feet together.”
  3. …………… “Please, please quell the storm now!”
  4. “Remember, Master, I have served you joyfully all these years!”
  5. “I have been duly punished for my sins.”
  6. “What I have done now is in your interest!”
  7. Most sure, she is the goddess of the island!


  1. Ferdinand said to Miranda when he fell in love with Miranda.
  2. Ferdinand said to himself when he saw Miranda on the isolated island for the first time.
  3. Miranda said to her father when she saw the ship struggling on the wild waves.
  4. Ariel said to Prospero when Prospero told Ariel to bring Ferdinand at once.
  5. Alonso said to Prospero, when he realized that he had lost his son.
  6. Prospero told his daughter when she requested him to quell the storm.
  7. Prospero said to Ferdinand when he pretended to be angry.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

4. Match the paragraphs in Column A with their suitable title in Column B: (Only the first and last words of the paragraph are given in Column A to identify it.)

Question 1.
Match the paragraphs in Column A with their suitable title in Column B: (Only the first and last words of the paragraph are given in Column A to identify it.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 2

  1. Now Antonio was treacherous man … its wealth and power. – Prospero Loses his Dukedom.
  2. In the woods nearby, Prospero … his tasks properly. – Caliban Serves Prospero
  3. Knowing that his enemies were near … all people on board. – Prospero Creates a Storm
  4. Having narrated this story, Prospero … down with the ship. – Ariel Reports about the Storm
  5. Many more tricks did Ariel play … touched the food. – Ariel is a Mischievous Spirit
  6. Thus after many years … very nobly forgave them! – Milan Welcomes Prospero’s Return

5. Activity: Live English: Tourism

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 3

Location: Sindhudurg fort is located on the southernmost edge of the Maharashtra coast.
History: A sea fort, built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Languages: Marathi, Hindi, English
Best time to visit: Winter
Where to stay: MTDC Holiday Resort: The resort at Tarkarli has 10 cottages with 20 sea-facing double bedrooms and one house boat.
What to see: Temples of Maruti, Bhavani, Chhatrapati Shivaji
How to get there:
By Air: The nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai.
By Rail: The nearest railhead is Sindhudurg on the Konkan Railway. Kankawali and Kudal are the other important railway stations nearby.
By Road: Mumbai-Tarkarli: 540 km.
Sites nearby: Sawantwadi, Malwan City, Tarkarli Beach. Redi Ganesh Temple, Vijaydurg, Kunkeshwar Temple, Amboli.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 4

Location: Located on the outskirts of Chandrapur district, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park.
Languages: Marathi, Hindi, English, Tribal
The best season to visit: 15th October to 15th June. Hot summers are the ideal time to view mammals near water sources.
Where to stay: MTDC Jungle Resort (Mohrali) offers self-contained rooms, ideal for families. The rooms are comfortable, and offer a fine lake view.
How to get there:
By Air: The nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai.
By Rail: The nearest railhead is Sindhudurg on the Konkan Railway. Kankawali and Kudal are the other important railway stations nearby.
By Road: Chandrapur-Tadoba 45km. State transport buses ply from Chandrapur to Tadoba.
Attractions: Tiger, Panther, Bison, Sloth Bear, Hyena, Jackal, Wild Dog, Sambar, Leopard and Barking Deer.
Sights nearby: Bhadrawati, Markanda, Bhamragarh, Anandwan

Chit – Chat

  1. Do you like to travel?
  2. How do you like to travel?
  3. Which is the nearest place to which you have travelled?
  4. Which is the farthest?
  5. Have you ever travelled by ………….. ?
  6. What do you like to carry with you when you travel?
  7. What souvenirs do you like to bring back from your travels?

1. Observe the tourist leaflets given on page no. 114 of the textbook and answer the questions:

Question (a)
Which place do these leaflets describe?
These leaflets describe ‘Sindhudurg’ and ‘Tadoba National Park’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question (b)
What are the main points given in each leaflet?
The main points given in each leaflet are –

  1. Location
  2. History
  3. Languages
  4. Best time to visit
  5. Where to stay?
  6. What to see?
  7. How to go there? (by air, by rail, by road)
  8. Sites nearby.

Question (c)
How can one reach Tadoba? why?
One can reach Tadoba by taking a plane to Nagpur. One can also reach Tadoba by going to Chandrapur in a train and then taking a bus for the 45 km journey to Tadoba National Park.

Question (d)
Which is the best season to visit Tadoba? Why?
The best season to visit Tadoba is hot summers, from 15th October to 15th June, to view mammals near water resources.

Question (e)
List the words related to tourism, e.g. tourist, reservation, etc.
Tourism-related words are –

  1. tourist
  2. booking
  3. travel
  4. ticket
  5. flight
  6. train
  7. buses
  8. forts
  9. trek.
  10. resort
  11. mountains
  12. hill stations
  13. history
  14. MTDC
  15. ST
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

2. Prepare a tourist leaflet for a historical place or a hill station using the following points:

Question 1.
Prepare a tourist leaflet for a historical place or a hill station using the following points:

  1. Place
  2. Special features
  3. Distance
  4. How to go there
  5. Accommodation
  6. Food
  7. Climate

1. Place: Hill Station: Mahabaleshwar

2. Special features: The jungles of Mahabaleshwar are known for their density and a stunning array of birds and wildlife located in Western ghats at the elevation of approximately 353 metres. It offers appealing view of evergreen valleys and hills of the Konkan and the Deccan coast. The climate is cool and pleasant suitable for cultivation of strawberries.

3. Distance: Mumbai – Mahabaleshwar – 262 kms

  • Pune – Mahabaleshwar – 125 kms
  • Satara – Mahabaleshwar – 62 kms
  • Mahad – Mahabaleshwar – 32 kms

4. How to go there:

  • By Air: Pune airport lies 120 km from the place is the nearest airport.
  • By Rail: Satara is the nearest railway station, about 62 km.
  • By Road: Many ST buses run from Mumbai and Pune. Private buses and taxis are also available.

5. Accommodation: Mahabaleshwar has no dearth of accommodation options. There are many hotels ranging from deluxe to budget. Other options include tourist lodges, guest houses, private bungalows and MTDC Resort.

6. Food:

  • Maharashtrian and any type of Indian and continental foods are available.
  • Mahabaleshwar is famous for strawberry ice cream, milk shake, jam, jelly, etc.

7. Climate :

  • Throughout the year the climate is mild and pleasing.
  • It receives incessant showers from July to September when temperature ranges between 20 to 25 degree.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

3. If you want to become a tourist guide at the following place, which languages will you need to learn?

Question 1.
If you want to become a tourist guide at the following place, which languages will you need to learn?

  1. Ajanta
  2. Belgavi
  3. Delhi
  4. Tarkarli


  1. Ajanta: Marathi, Hindi, English
  2. Belgavi: Kannada, English
  3. Delhi: Hindi, English
  4. Tarkarli: Marathi, English, Hindi

4. Imagine you are a tourist guide at (1) Sindhudurg (2) Tadoba. Write two sentences each about the following points to help foreign tourists:

Question 1.
Imagine you are a tourist guide at
1. Sindhudurg
2. Tadoba.
Write two sentences each about the following points to help foreign tourists:
(a) About the place: History, languages spoken, special attractions.
(b) Food: speciality, local delicacies, options (Indian, continental)
(c) Shopping: authenticity of local artefacts, price, variety.
1. Sindhudurg:
(a) About the place: The place is located in Sindhudurg district just off the coast of Maharashtra in Western India. The fortress lies on the shore of Malvan town of Sindhudurg district in Konkan region. It was built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. It is believed that Shivaji personally selected the site for the construction of the fort. The languages spoken here are Marathi, Malvani, Hindi and English.

(b) Food: The place is famous for its sea food, kombdi vade and the local Malvani cuisine. It is also popular for Alphonso mangoes.

(c) Shopping: Local delicacies made by the people out of mangoes, jackfruits, kokam and cashewnuts can be bought from the city. Mangoes of good quality and taste are also available here.

2. Tadoba:

(a) About the place: Tadoba Andhari Reserve is the largest National Park in Maharashtra. It is a tiger reserve in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. It was created in 1955. Marathi, Hindi, and some tribal languages are spoken here.
(b) Food: The local cuisine is the Vidarbha cuisine. Veg. and non veg. hotels and restaurants nearby area also provide Indian and continental food as well.
(c) Shopping: The Tiger Reserve souvenirs can be brought at reasonable rates from the shops around the reserve.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

5. Prepare an attractive tourist leaflet for your native place, in English as well as in your mother tongue:

Question 1.
Prepare an attractive tourist leaflet for your native place, in English as well as in your mother tongue: [Note : The tourist leaflet of Kolhapur is given below, as an example. Students are expected to prepare leaflet of their own native place.]

1. Location: Kolhapur is an inland city located in South-west Maharashtra state, 228 km south of Pune. It is a historic city of Maharashtra, famous for temple of a Hindu Goddess – Mahalakshmi.

2. History: Kolhapur was established by Tarabai in 1707 during succession dispute over the Maratha Kingship. The state was annexed by the British in the 19th century. It was ruled by Bhosale Royal clan of the Maratha Empire.

3. Languages: Marathi, Kannada, Hindi, English.

4. Best time to visit: Summers here are very hot, hence the months between June and February are the best time to visit.

5. Accommodation: 2 star and 3 star hotels, private bungalows and MTDC Resorts. Tourists can choose from a wide range of hotels based on their budget and preferences.

6. How to go there:

  • By Air: Belgaum is the nearest airport from Kolhapur, which is connected through airlines from Mumbai.
  • By Rail: Kolhapur is connected by a good rail network to other cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune and Tirupati.
  • By Road: It is 450 km from Mumbai. One can get direct buses (ST and Private) to Kolhapur from Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Belgaum, Mangaluru and Hubli.

7. Attractions: The city has multiple options that can be explored. Mahalaxmi Temple, Rankala Lake. Panhala fort, Jyotiba Temple, Siddagiri Museum, Shahuji Maharaj Museum/palace, Kopeshwar Temple are some of the attractions in city. Kolhapur is famous for special mutton dishes especially Pandhara and Tambda Rassa, Kolhapuri Bhel and Misal.

6. Suppose a foreigner comes to visit your place and you have to accompany him for sight seeing. Prepare a dialogue between you and the foreigner:

Question 1.
Suppose a foreigner comes to visit your place and you have to accompany him for sight seeing. Prepare a dialogue between you and the foreigner:

  • Myself: So, you are here to visit our city. Would you like to accompany me for sight seeing?
  • Foreigner: Being native of this city, I think you would be of great help to me. So from where shall we start?
  • Myself: Better we start from the place out of the city, Verul caves, which is the main attraction of the tourists.
  • Foreigner: How much time will it take? Can we see another place also along with it?
  • Myself: It takes around 4-5 hours to see all the caves in detail. We can also visit Grishneshwar Jyotirling Temple nearby. It is believed to be an ancient temple of Hindus.
  • Foreigner: Oh that’s great! So after lunch better we come back in the city.
  • Myself: Yes, in city too in evening you can visit Bibi ka Maqbura, a replica of Taj Mahal and Pawan Chakki (wind mill).
  • Foreigner: Very nice. We will go there in the evening. So what is left for tomorrow?
  • Myself: Tomorrow we can go to Ajanta Caves. It takes a whole day for travelling and viewing it.
  • Foreigner: I have heard about an ancient fort also.
  • Myself: Yes, you are right. But it’s not possible to see at a time. We can go there day after tomorrow.
  • Foreigner: That’s great idea. You have been a great help for me. Thanks a lot, dear.
  • Myself: You are welcome!
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

7. Using the Internet, find the following information about a place you wish to visit using the following points:

Question 1.
Using the Internet, find the following information about a place you wish to visit using the following points:

  1. Distance from your place
  2. Available modes of transport
  3. Accommodation facilities
  4. Historical facts
  5. Climate
  6. Famous sites.

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are True or False: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero was the duke of Milan, in the kingdom of Naples. – True
  2. Prospero’s brother Gonzalo was a very treacherous man. – False
  3. Books were Prospero’s most valued possessions. – True
  4. The king Antonio landed safely on an enchanted island. – False

Question 2.
Who were all sailing in the ship, close to the enchanted island ?
The King of Naples – Alonso, his brother – Sebastian, Antonio, Prince Ferdinand of Naples, and the old, loyal courtier Gonzalo.

Question 3.
Who am I? (Answers are directly given.)

  1. I am a great magician. – Prospero
  2. I am the chief of the imprisoned spirits. – Ariel
  3. I am the twisted, ugly monster. – Caliban
  4. I am the king of Naples. – Alonso
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.
  2. Miranda begged her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
  3. Prospero explained to his daughter that he had caused the tempest in order to bring his enemies Alonso and Sebastian, within his power.
  4. Ariel gave a lively account of the fears of the sailors, the anxiety of the lords and how Prince Ferdinand had leaped into the sea.

Question 5.
Arrange the following sentences in chronological order:

  1. Prospero narrated the story of their past life to his daughter.
  2. Prospero raised a great tempest with his power of magic.
  3. He wanted to show how the ship was struggling on the wild waves due to his magic.
  4. Being kind-hearted, Miranda requested her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm. Answer:
  5. Prospero raised a great tempest with his power of magic.
  6. He wanted to show how the ship was struggling on the wild waves due to his magic.
  7. Being kind-hearted, Miranda requested her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
  8. Prospero narrated the story of their past life to his daughter.

Question 6.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Miranda had never ever seen any human being except her father. – Agree
  2. Prospero was not happy when his daughter saw Ferdinand. – Disagree
  3. Miranda was the goddess of the island. – Disagree
  4. Ariel was very faithful to Prospero. – Agree

Question 7.
Fill in the blanks with one word:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero took the prince to a cave.
  2. Ferdinand wanted to be the king of Naples.
  3. Many more tricks were played on Prospero’s enemies by Ariel.
  4. Antonio wanted to kill king Alonso.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 8.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong:

  1. People in Milan welcomed Prospero with great love and joy. – Right
  2. Prospero nobly forgave his old enemies. – Right
  3. Ferdinand and Miranda got married on the enchanted island. – Wrong
  4. Ariel was as free as air at the end. – Right

Question 9.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the passage: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero decided to give up the practice of magic.
  2. Ariel promised everyone calm seas and favourable winds while sailing.
  3. Alonso was happy to see his lost son.
  4. Prospero assured Alonso that their ship was safely anchored and each and every sailor was safe on board.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What evil deed did Antonio do, to become a Duke himself ?
Antonio conspired with the king of Naples, Alonso to take his brother’s Dukedom. They took Prospero and his baby daughter Miranda far away from land. They left them in a broken, old boat and sailed away.

Question 2.
What had the faithful Lord Gonzalo done to help Prospero?
Out of his love and loyalty for the rightful duke, Prospero, Gonzalo had secretly placed fresh water, food and clothes and most valued possessions, his books in the boat to help Prospero.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 3.
Complete the difference between Prospero and Antonio:

1. Prospero was a Studious and learned scholar.1. Antonio was a treacherous man.
2. He spent most of his time reading books.2. He managed the business of rullmg the kingdom and wanted to become Duke of Milan in his brother’s place.

Question 4.
What good deed did Prospero do on the enchanted island?
The enchanted island was under the spell of Sycorax, a dead witch. Prospero, set free all the imprisoned good spirits on that island and compelled them to follow his orders. Being a good magician, he could do it so all the spirits were grateful and obedient to him.

Question 5.
What did Prospero do when he saw Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio sailing in a ship close to enchanted island?
When Prospero came to know that Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio were sailing in a ship close to enchanted island, he raised a great tempest with the power of his magic. The royal ship was turned and tossed on the stormy waves. It seemed as if it would sink any moment, along with all the people on board.

Question 6.
For what two reasons did Prospero raise a great tempest?
1. Prospero raised a great tempest in his daughter’s interest.
2. He also wanted to bring his enemies, Alonso and Antonio within his power. So he raised a great tempest.

Question 7.
How did Ferdinand get separated from his father?
When the ship was struggling in the waves, Ferdinand had jumped into the sea. So everyone on the ship thought that he was dead. But actually he got separated from his father and was left alone on a beach.

Question 8.
Who said to whom and when:
1. “Obey my commands now, and in two days I shall set you free!”
2. “All your troubles were merely trials of your love”.
1. Prospero said to Ariel when Ariel reminded him of his promise.
2. Prospero said to Ferdinand when he was sure that Ferdinand loves his daughter.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 9.
How did Ferdinand and Miranda react on seeing each other?
Miranda had never seen any other human being in her life beside her father so when she saw Ferdinand she was thrilled and thought that he was divine and noble. On the other hand Ferdinand was astonished to see a beautiful girl on an isolated island. Basically both of them gazed at each other in wonder, admiration and love.

Question 10.
What gave Prospero a secret pleasure?
When Ferdinand was brought there, he and Miranda looked at each other in wonder, admiration and love. Actually Prospero brought him there for his daughter. So seeing his daughter get attracted to Ferdinand, Prospero was pleased.

Question 11.
How did Ariel save king Alonso’s life?
Antonio and Sebastian had plotted to murder of king Alonso. Ariel saved his life by waking up the king from his sleep in the nick of time.

Question 12.
What tricks did Ariel play on Prospero’s enemies?

  1. He caused them to wander about.
  2. He filled their ears with strange and frightful noises.
  3. When they were faint with hunger, he set a huge banquet before them, only to take it away when they touched the food.

Question 13.
What surprise awaited king Alonso when Prospero drew back the curtain?
When Prospero drew back the cmtain from the entrance of his cave, King Alonso saw Ferdinand, his lost son happily playing a game of chess with Miranda. That was a pleasant surprise for the king Alonso.

Find two supporting points from the story to prove the following fact:

Question 1.
King Alonso felt ashamed for his deed.
(a) The king and other courtiers were ashamed.
(b) They begged Prospero’s forgiveness.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find out adjectives used to describe the following nouns: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. enchanted island
  2. evil witch
  3. broken boat
  4. freshwater.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 2.
Choose the correct alternative given for the synonym of the words given below:
(Answers are directly given.)
1. studious: bookish
(a) outstanding
(b) concerned
(c) bookish
(d) clever.

2. treacherous: unreliable
(a) foolish
(b) tricky
(c) unreliable
(d) favourite.

3. witch: an ugly evil
(a) spirit
(b) an ugly evil
(c) ghost
(d) magician.

4. rightful: lawful
(a) lawful
(b) expert
(c) faithful
(d) true.

Question 3.
Find out antonyms for the following from the passage: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. disillusioned × enchanted
  2. kindhearted × vicious
  3. thankless × grateful
  4. sympathetic × brutal

Question 4.
Give one word from the passage for the following description :
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. A minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden – sea nymph
  2. Linear unit of measurement for water depth – fathom
  3. Causing fear or terror – dreadful
  4. a relative permanent state of worry and nervousness – anxiety

Question 5.
Make a word register related with “sea”.
A word register related with “sea” – shore, island, ship, waves, storm, sailors, fathom, sea- nymphs.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 6.
Complete the following table by writing related words to the given mood:
(Answers are directly given.)

Happy moodSurprise mood
1. joyfullyastonished
2. thrilledwonder

Question 7.
Write down minimum four infinitives from the passage:
to defend, to capture, to go, to see, to stand obey, remember, follow.

Question 8.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. treacherous(a) a grand dinner party
2. revealed(b) very valuable
3. banquet(c) showed
4. priceless(d) deceitful


Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. treacherous(d) deceitful
2. revealed(c) showed
3. banquet(a) a grand dinner party
4. priceless(b) very valuable

Question 9.
Find out two words from the passage with suffix ‘ness’ and write your own two words with suffix ‘ness’.
Words from the passage:
1. wickedness
2. kindness.
My own words:
1. happiness
2. sadness.

Question 10.
Complete the following table:

Present TensePast TensePast Participle

Question 11.
Pick the odd man out:

  1. heir, cave, ship, old, wind – old
  2. take, wander, safe, punish, hear – safe
  3. happy, thrilling, calm, revenge, favourable – revenge
  4. nobly, safely, happily, marry, duly – marry
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Question 1.
Add a question tag:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero was the Duke of Milan, wasn’t he?
  2. Antonio would not have hesitated to kill Prospero, would he?
  3. You can imagine the hardships faced by Prospero, can’t you?
  4. The spirits remained trapped in their prisons, didn’t they?

Make the following sentences exclamatory:

Question 1.
Antonio was a treacherous man.
What a treacherous man Antonio was!

Question 2.
Gonzalo was a true and loyal courtier.
What a true and loyal courtier Gonzalo was!

Question 3.
Identify the tense:

  1. The ship was carrying Prince Ferdinand of Naples.
  2. He had devoted his life to the study of magic.
  3. They promised to be ever obedient to his will.


  1. Past Continuous Tense
  2. Past Perfect Tense
  3. Simple Past Tense.

Question 4.
Begin the sentence with the underlined word/words:
1. Prospero raised a great tempest with the power of his magic.
2. In the woods nearby, Prospero found Caliban, a twisted, ugly monster.
1. A great tempest was raised with the power of his magic by Prospero.
2. Caliban, a twisted, ugly monster was found by Prospero in the woods nearby.

Use ‘As soon as’ in the following sentences:

Question 1.
Prospero touched Miranda with his magic stick and she fell fast asleep.
As soon as Prospero touched Miranda with his magic stick, she fell fast asleep.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 2.
As the tempest raged, Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.
As soon as the tempest raged, Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.

Question 3.
Rewrite the following sentences as per the instructions:
1. Prospero waved his magic stick.
(Rewrite the sentence in past continuous tense.)
2. Ariel informed Prospero that the ship, was safely anchored in one corner of the island.
(Rewrite the sentence in past perfect tense.)
1. Prospero was waving his magic stick.
2. Ariel had informed Prospero that the ship was safely anchored in one corner of the island.

Question 4.
Rewrite the following sentences in polite request in form of question:
1. Obey my commands now!
2. Bring Ferdinand here at once.
1. Will you please obey my commands now?
2. Can you please bring Ferdinand here at once?

Question 5.
Prospero said to Ferdinand, “All your troubles were merely trials of your love and you have nobly stood the test. Now, I give you my daughter, a priceless gift.”
(Rewrite the sentence in indirect narration.)
1. Prospero told Ferdinand that all his troubles were merely trials of his love and he had nobly I stood the test. He further added that he gave him (Ferdinand), his daughter, a priceless gift.

Question 6.
Begin the sentences with the underlined object and rewrite it:
1. Ariel brought them before Prospero.
2. He thanked Gonzalo for his kindness.
1. They were brought before Prospero by Ariel.
2. Gonzalo was thanked for his kindness by him.

Question 7.
Make them assertive:
1. How happy Alonso was to see his lost son!
2. How thrilled Alonso was to hear that Ferdinand was to marry the duke of Milan’s beautiful daughter.
1. Alonso was very happy to see his lost son.
2. Alonso was very much thrilled to hear that Ferdinand was to marry the duke of Milan’s beautiful daughter.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 8.
Use ‘not only … but also’ :
1. Prospero was happy and pleased to be back in Milan.
2. Ariel promised them calm seas and favourable winds in their journey.
1. Prospero was not only happy but also pleased to be back in Milan.
2. Ariel promised them not only calm seas but also favourable winds in their journey.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. o_der
  2. gre_t
  3. ne_er
  4. ma _ ic


  1. order
  2. great
  3. never
  4. magic

Question 2.
Copy the following sentences correctly in your notebook:
1. Prospero was the Duke of Milan in the kingdom of Naples.
2. “Obey my commands now,” Prospero said to him.

Question 3.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. earthen, natural, different, leisure
2. renowned, rectangles, residing, recording
1. different, earthen, leisure, natural.
2. recording, rectangles, renowned, residing.

Question 4.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. every child is an artist the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up said Picasso
2. oh i didn’t see you come in said the teacher to ritesh
1. “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up?” said Picasso.
2. “Oh, I didn’t see you come in !” said the teacher to Ritesh.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 5.
Write four small words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. teach
  2. reach
  3. each
  4. hero.

Question 6.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence:
1. Raza win many national and international awards.
2. Gond art have spread mainly in Central India.
1. Raza won many national and international awards.
2. Gond art has spread mainly in Central India.

Question 7.
Write related words as shown in the example: (Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 5

Question 8.
Complete the following word-chain of nouns. Write four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:
wealth → …………….. → ………………. → …………….. → ……………..
wealth → humour → reaction → nectar → rainbow.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look after’:
It is our duty to look after our parents in their old age.

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new
words and use any one of the root words in your own sentence:
1. regular
2. wicked.
1. regular – irregular
2. wicked – wickedness.
Sentence: The wicked man was about to kill his own friend.

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
She did not know ………………..
She did not know how she would be able to come to the decision.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What will you do if you are left alone on an isolated island by your friends?
If I am left alone on an isolated island by my friends, first I will try to track the location with my mobile. Then I will send it to my parents and other faithful friends. If they get that location, they will definitely reach where I am and I would come out of that isolated island.

Question 2.
Why did Prospero raise a great tempest?
Prospero was a great magician and staying on the enchanted island. When he saw a ship carrying his enemies near his island, he wanted to show them his power of magic without doing them any harm so that they would not come nearby his island again.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 3.
If you were given the power of magic for one day, what would you do? How would you use the power of magic?
If I were given the power of magic for one day, I would do something for the society and for the nation. First, I would try to eradicate poverty from the society, I would give employment opportunities to each and every individual to raise the national income and to make my country developed.

Question 4.
Do you think the power of magic can make you successful? Why?
I don’t believe in magic. As we are living in the 21st century, I believe to be at right place at right time. Luck, timing and magic, none of them will make you successful unless you work hard continuously. So I believe in hard work not in magic.

Question 5.
“Ariel was a faithful spirit” – why do you think so?
Ariel was the chief of imprisoned good spirits. Prospero promised him that he would set him free with his power of magic. He was serving Prospero and helping him faithfully in every need of an hour to set himself free.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 6.
What could be the reason for Prospero to give up the practice of magic?
After using the power of his magic at an enchanted island he was back to his own kingdom, Milan. He wanted a new beginning, he wanted to rule his kingdom with human values and virtues rather than magical spells. So he might have given up the practice of magic.