Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

My English Coursebook Std 9 Guide Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

  1. How was this year for you?
  2. Are you happy with what you could study this year?
  3. What did you miss, or could not do ?
  4. What do you plan to do about it-about the things you could not do /study well?
  5. What was the best moment for you this year?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Growing sentences

Form pairs/groups and do the following activities:

1. Form pairs. Write two sentences of two words each.
1. Stand up.
2. Don’t disturb.

2. Form groups of three. Write three sentences of three words each.

  1. Please come here.
  2. Open your books.
  3. You can go.

3. Form groups of four. Write four sentences of four words each.

  1. Complete your notebooks now.
  2. Is it your book?
  3. I like my school.
  4. Mother cooks nice food.

4. Continue to write as many sentences as the number of students in the group, till you reach the number 10.

5. After that, go on forming bigger groups and writing sentences with as many words as the number of students in the group. However, you may write only one or two sentences at each step after 10.

  • Sentence of 5 words: Can you please help me? Sentence of 6 words : Avanish works hard for his future.
  • Sentence of 7 words: You are free to choose your career.
  • Sentence of 8 words: I got this gift on my tenth birthday.
  • Sentence of 9 words: My mother corrects me when I make a mistake.
  • Sentence of 10 words: We should follow the rules and regulations of our society.

6. See if you can make a sentence with as many words in it as there are students in your classroom.

7. Write the sentence in big letters on chart paper and display it in the classroom.

English Workshop:

1. Find the meaning of the following words from a good dictionary:

Question 1.
Find the meaning of the following words from a good dictionary:

  1. Sawmill – a factory where wood is cut with machinery
  2. Prussian – German inhabitant of Prussia
  3. Apprentice – a person who learns some skill needed in his/her job.
  4. nuisance – annoyance
  5. cranky – irritable
  6. hold fast to something – to possess something (here language) firmly despite of many difficulties.
  7. at one stroke – with a single immediate action.
  8. might – strength.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

2. List the people and their occupation in the passage.

Question 1.
List the people and their occupation in the passage.
1. M. Hamel – French teacher
2. Franz – the narrator student

3. Find five words ending with ‘-ing’ and five words ending with ‘-ed’ from the lesson.

Question 1.
Find five words ending with ‘-ing’ and five words ending with ‘-ed’ from the lesson.

Words ending with ‘ing’Words ending with ‘ed’
1. fluttering1. dismissed
2. writing2. turned
3. scratching3. looked
4. choking4. leaned

4. Find five examples of commonly used past participles from the story. For example, said, learnt.

Question 1.
Find five examples of commonly used past participles from the story. For example, said, learnt.
Commonly used past participles from the passage:

  1. got
  2. saw
  3. wore
  4. came
  5. put

5. What is the meaning of the following words and phrases in the passage? Choose the correct alternative.

Question (a)
…………….. was in great dread of
1. was in a great hall
2. was in great demand
3. was afraid of
4. was angry with.
3. was afraid of

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question (b)
……………….. did not know the first word about them
1. did not know anything about them
2. did not care about them
3. knew all the words except the first word
4. had not learnt them by heart.
1. did not know anything about them

Question (c)
…………………… terrible iron ruler
1. a great king
2. a ruler made of poor quality iron
3. a magic ruler
4. ruler with which the master hit the student hard.
4. ruler with which the master hit the student hard.

Question (d)
…………… got a little over my fright
1. got very frightened
2. got something because I was frightened
3. became little
4. got less frightened
4. got less frightened

Question (e)
What a thunderclap these words were to me!
1. The words came as a shock.
2. He shouted the words at me.
3. There was thunder and lightning.
4. The words were accompanied by claps.
1. The words came as a shock.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question (f)
……………… she put off learning tomorrow
1. she prepare for learning
2. she did not learn at that time
3. she cancelled tomorrow’s learning
4. she studied the word ‘tomorrow’.

6. Fill in the following blanks using proper words from ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘what’, ‘how’ or I ‘why’:

Question 1.
Fill in the following blanks using proper words from ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘what’, ‘how’ or I ‘why’:
(a) She started jumping for joy ……………… she heard the news.
(b) You must tell ………………… I mustn’t do it.
(c) The person ……………… is making the speech is my friend.
(d) They wondered ……………….. had happened to him.
(e) You must show me ………………….. to mix the solutions.
(f) I’ll tell you …………………… it is time to leave.
(a) She started jumping for joy when she heard the news.
(b) You must tell why I mustn’t do it.
(c) The person who is making the speech is my friend.
(d) They wondered what had happened to him.
(e) You must show me how to mix the solutions.
(f) I’ll tell you when it is time to leave.

Question 2.
Write a letter of thanks to your English teacher. Thank him/her for everything that he/she did for you:
Ishan More
16, Gnyaneshwari,
Aarey Road,
Goregaon (East),
Mumbai – 400 063.
30th April, 2020.

Dear Gogate madam,

I take this opportunity to thank you from my bottom of heart for whatever you have done for me and to improve my English skills. I think words fail me toexpress my gratitude.

Madam, when I saw this new book for the first time, I was worried as I didn’t understand how to study it and improve my writing and speaking skills. But while taking activities of every lesson and poem you not only boosted our courage but also made us confident to write and speak English fluently.

While taking activities, you gave opportunity to every one, so that we could think, imagine and express. At the same time by, taking activities based on vocabulary and grammar you laid a good foundation of it. Now, each and every student of our class wishes to learn English on their own. You created interest in learning the language.

I am really proud to say that throughout the journey of my life, I will be thankful for your efforts taken for the development of our language. I am sure, only because of your support and help I can now speak and write English fluently.

Thank you for the guidance you have given throughout the year and for making it so wonderful. I will forever be obliged to you.

Yours obediently,
Ishan More

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

7. Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.

Question 1.
Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.
My mother tongue is Marathi. It is spoken all over Maharashtra. Konkani, Malvani, Ahirani, Varhadi are some of the dialects of Marathi. According to many writers and philosophers, it is the most beautiful language in India.

The moment when I heard the first Marathi word ‘Aai’, I have been learning this language till today. I learnt it from my parents, grandparents, neighbours and my Marathi teachers. I read a lots of books including novels of renowned authors in Marathi. People say Marathi is rich in its literature. By reading Marathi newspapers, magazines and by listening Marathi news bulletins I improved my vocabulary and even the beauty of structure. Being my mother tongue, I haven’t taken any special efforts to learn this language as I learnt it from my surroundings.

8. Write points and counter points on the following topics:

Question 1.
You should study all subjects in your mother tongue:
1. Language is a symbol that reflects the culture of one’s community and ethnic identity and speaking in one’s own mother tongue can create a sense of personal identity for the students across the globe.
2. When students don’t understand the instructions given by the teachers in English they lose their confidence and they either choose to sit silently or repeat mechanically, leading to frustration and ultimately repetition, failure and school drop out.


1. India is a country with too many languages with some being state specific and Hindi being the national language. English being an international language has now become language connecting the whole of India. On the other hand, we have our mother tongues which teach the kids about our culture and about our past.

2. If the instructions are given in mother tongue then the question arises, “How will they cope up with English later on? The educationists and policy makers need to give it a thought.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
You must memorise the rules of grammar : Points:
1. Language is the base of almost everything we do as human beings. We cannot communicate without language. If we want to understand linguistic dimension of our existence we need to learn the rules and regulations of grammar as it is fundamental organizing principle of language.
2. It has been observed that the explicit teaching of grammar rules leads to better learning and understanding and this lasts over time. Learning about grammar provides basic knowledge for learning other languages.
1. The difference between a literate and educated person is that an educated person knows to read and write. Anyone who knows to read and write knows grammar. It is a part of learning a language. Why to take it up as a separate thing to learn and add to the stress level of the students.
2. Language is a means of communication, people have been communicating with each other for ages. Functional grammar is still acceptable but learning rules looks like wastage of time and energy. There are pros and cons of everything and so is of learning grammar rules. I think that at least the basics of grammar should be taught till primary level and then we can shift to functional grammer.

9. Why was Franz sad?

Question 1.
Why was Franz sad?
When Franz came to know that M. Hamel was leaving, he realized that he had not learned a single word of French, his own language and now they will start teaching German. He was also sad thinking about the condition of M. Hamel who was leaving the school after forty years of faithful service.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

10. What should people never lose even when they lose freedom?

Question 1.
What should people never lose even when they lose freedom?
Even when the people lose their freedom, they should not lose their own language.

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements:

  1. A little boy Franz is narrating the story. – Agree
  2. Mr. Hamel is the teacher in Franz’s school. – Agree
  3. Franz had learnt all his participles well. – Disagree
  4. All bad news had come from the bulletin board which was kept in front of Franz’s school. – Disagree

Question 2.
List the profession/occupation of the people mentioned in the passage:

  1. Little Franz: student/narrator
  2. M. Hamel: teacher
  3. Watcher: blacksmith
  4. Classmates: students studying in the same class.
  5. Prussians: Soldiers
  6. Villagers: former mayor former postmaster.

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. The story takes place in Alsace and Loraine.
  2. The order from Berlin forced on teaching German instead of French in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.
  3. Franz studies grammer, French and history of the saints in school.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences by using one word: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. According to M. Hamel, French was the most beautiful language in the world.
  2. M. Hamel had put on his Sunday clothes.
  3. M. Hamel had put in forty years of faithful service.
  4. Franz had not studied participles.

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are True or False: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. The people of the village gathered in the school to thank M. Hamel. – True
  2. Franz can neither speak nor write French. – True
  3. Franz’s parents were very much anxious in his studies. – False
  4. Franz had never listened M. Hamel so carefully before. – True

Question 6.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. M. Hamel lived above the school room.
  2. His sister lived with him.
  3. M. Hamel wrote “VIVE LA FRANCE”! on the blackboard with all his might.
  4. M. Hamel wrote France, Alsace, France, Alsace on the grammar copy.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
1. The iron ruler is said to be terrible because M. Hamel hit the students with this ruler.
2. The narrator was thinking not to go to school because he thought M. Hamel would question him about participles and scold him for not doing the participles.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
Describe the scene usually like when school begins?
Usually, when school begins there was a great bustle which could be heard out in the street – the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table.

Question 3.
In what time period does the story take place?
During the France-Prussian war 1870-1871.

Question 4.
How did M. Hamel dress up on special occasions?
On special occasions, M. Hamel dressed up in his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and a little black embroidered silk cap.

Question 5.
Is the school closing down?
No, the school is not closing down whereas a German teacher is going to take the place of M. Hamel who teaches French in that school.

Question 6.
Why were the old men of the village attending school that day?
The old men of the village were sorry that they had not gone to school in their life. They also wanted to thank M. Hamel for his selfless service of forty years and show their respect for their country which did not belong to them now. So they were attending the school that day.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 7.
Why did M. Hamel not scold Franz?
Franz was feeling guilty for not learning French properly even though he had a good chance to learn. He also knew that it was not his fault. Whereas his parents were also responsible for the same so M. Hamel did not scold Franz.

Question 8.
According to M. Hamel, who are the people that did not take education seriously? What examples does he give to support his view?
According to M. Hamel, the people of Alsace did not take education seriously. He gave the example of Franz’s parents who wanted Franz to work on a farm or at the mill instead of going to school and learn.

Question 9.
Why does Franz understand his lesson well?
Being the last lesson of French, Franz was serious. He heard it more carefully that day. He also realized that M. Hamel was teaching patiently as if he wanted to give everything he knew, before going away. So Franz understands his lesson well.

Question 10.
Why does the author say, “I never saw him look so tall”?
The author was always afraid of his French teacher M. Hamel. He also did not understand what he taught. But on the last day of his lecture, the narrator understood and remembered that last lesson. He also developed respect and love for M. Hamel seeing his patriotism. So he says. “I never saw him look so tall.”

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 11.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. The only sound in the classroom was the scratching of the pens over the paper.
  2. M. Hamel’s sister moved in the room above to pack their trunks.
  3. The gesture to students with his hand by M. Hamel was school is dismissed – you may go.
  4. Only the desks and benches had been worn smooth.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Make a Word Register related with “School” based on the given passage.
School: desks, participles, lessons, questions, teacher, classmates, table, ruler.

Question 2.
Complete the following table with the help of the passage given:

Words ending with ‘ing’Words ending with ‘ed’
morning, scolding,
running, spending,
chirping, drilling,
reading, making,
closing, opening,
rapping, walking,
beginning, etc.
started, passed,
hurried, happened,
frightened, called, etc.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 3.
Find out examples of commonly used past participles from the passage.
Commonly used past participles from the passage:
1. knew
2. forgot.

Question 4.
Write the meaning of the following words :
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. bustle – busy and noisy activity
  2. attentive – thoughtful
  3. solemn – sincere.

Question 5.
Find out opposites from the passage for the following : (Answers are directly given.)

  1. disrespect × respect
  2. unfaithful × faithful
  3. carefree × anxious
  4. best × worst

Question 6.
Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:
prison, patience, people, poor, participles, plenty, pretend, parents.
Alphabetical order:
parents, participles, patience, people, plenty, poor, pretend, prison.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 7.
Find out synonyms from the passage for –
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. awesome – beautiful
  2. flapping – fluttering
  3. intone – chant
  4. discharged – dismissed

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Frame a Wh-question to get underlined answer:

Question 1.
The birds were chirping at the edges of the woods.
Where were the birds chirping?

Question 2.
The blacksmith was there with his apprentice.
Who was there with his apprentice?

Question 3.
The narrator was blushed and frightened.
How was the narrator?

Question 4.
The morning was warm and bright.
What was warm and bright?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 5.
Find out two imperative and two exclamatory sentences from the passage:
1. Imperative sentences:

  • Don’t go so fast, boy.
  • Go to your place quickly.

2. Exclamatory sentences:

  • It was so warm, so bright!
  • But now it was all so still!

Pick out the infinitive from the sentence and use it in your own sentence:

Question 1.
The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools.
Infinitive – to teach
Sentence: I don’t like to teach the people, I like to learn from the people.

Question 2.
So heavy to carry my grammar and my history of the saints.
Infinitive – to carry
Sentence: Most of the youngsters don’t like to carry anything with them.

Question 3.
M. Hamel said, “My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.” (Rewrite it in indirect narration.)
M. Hamel told his children that, it was the last lesson he would give them. He further told them that the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 4.
Add a question tag given.

  1. They had not gone to school, had they?
  2. Your parents were not anxious enough to have you learn, were they?
  3. You are not the worst, are you?
  4. I had never listened so carefully, had I?

Make it affirmative without changing the meanings:

Question 1.
He had never explained everything with so much patience.
He had hardly explained everything with so much patience.

Question 2.
I had not learnt my participles so I could not say a single word.
I had hardly learnt my participles so I was unable to say a single word.

Question 3.
I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
(Rewrite it in indirect narration.)
I thought to myself that they would make them sing in German, even the pigeons.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
He could not go on. (Use ‘to be able to’)
He was not able to go on.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
He took a piece of chalk, he wrote as large as he could. (Begin the sentence with ‘After taking …’)
After taking a piece of chalk, he wrote as large as he could.

Question 3.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. s _ old
  2. fie_d
  3. pr _ ze
  4. t_ach


  1. scold
  2. field
  3. prize
  4. teach

Question 4.
Copy the following sentences in your notebook:
1. “Don’t go so fast, boy; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
2. I thought myself “What can be the matter now?”

Question 5.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. wondering, participles, mayor, bustle.
2. scolding, solemn, scratching, soldiers.
1. bustle, mayor, participles, wondering.
2. scolding, scratching, soldiers, solemn.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 6.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. I thought to myself will they make them sing in german even the pigeons
2. this is your last french lesson I want you to be very attentive m hamel said
1. I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
2. “This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive,” M. Hamel said.

Question 7.
Write four small words (minimum letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. thunder
  2. clap
  3. under
  4. tune

Question 8.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences:
1. Through the window I see my classmates, already in their place.
2. They were sorry because they has not gone to school more.
1. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their place.
2. They were sorry because they had not gone to school more.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 9.
Write related words as shown in the example: (Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 10.
Complete the following word-chain of verbs. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous words:
chirp → ………………… → ……………….. → ……………… →…………….. .
chirp → ping → grow → watch → heal.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase “Once in a blue moon”.
My uncle lives in Australia, so I see him only once in a blue moon.

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new words and use any one of the root words in your own sentence:
1. motion
2. faith
1. motion – motionless
2. faith – faithful.
Sentence: My grandmother was sitting without any motion in her chair.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
The people realized …………….. .
The people realized that trees should be protected at any cost.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What is the scene like when your own school begins? Describe it in short.
When my school begins, students are busy in different activities. There is chaos everywhere, students rush to their classes hurriedly. They meet and greet each other. They run laugh, chat and enjoy the beginning of the school.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
How do your teachers punish you when you make a mistake in the class?
I never give any chance to my teachers to punish me. Being studious and serious in studies, I always do my work on time. I participate in all the activities in the class. So my teachers always praise me and my work. So even if I make a mistake they never punish me.

Question 3.
Why is it the last lesson?
An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine. M. Hamel used to teach French there. By order a new German teacher was supposed to come the next day to teach German in that school. It was the last lesson of French and the French teacher.

Question 4.
We should be grateful to our teachers – support your views.
We should be grateful to our teachers because whatever they do, they do it for the development of their students. They do it selflessly. They want every student to be successful. By telling us what is good and what is bad they always show us the right path. They always lead like a ‘torch bearer’ to us.

Question 5.
Why M. Hamel was leaving the country?
M. Hamel was extremely patriotic towards I France and had a deep love for the French language. The Prussians had taken over Alsace and Loraine. He might be leaving the country as he did not want to live under the Prussians’ rule where even teaching the French language was prohibited.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 6.
With the coming of Prussians, will language be the only thing that will change? What other changes may take place?
With the coming of Prussians not only language but also the whole life of the people of France will be changed because they will be bound by German laws. They will not get their fundamental rights. They will have to obey their orders and live like slaves. They will squeeze money out of them and leave them financially bankrupt.