Maharashtra Board Text books

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 11 Adsorption and Colloids

1. Choose the correct option. Question A.The size of colloidal particles lies betweena. 10-10 m and 10-9 mb. 10-9 m and 10-6 mc. 10-6 m and 10-4 md. 10-5 m and 10-2 mAnswer:b. 10-9 m and 10-6 m Question B.Gum in water is an example ofa. true solutionb. suspensionc. lyophilic sold. lyophobic solAnswer:c. lyophilic sol Question C.In Haber process of production of ammonia K2O is … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 9 Elements of Group 13, 14 and 15

1. Choose the correct option. Question A.Which of the following is not an allotrope of carbon?a. buckyballb. diamondc. graphited. emeraldAnswer:d. emerald Question B.………… is inorganic graphite.a. boraxb. diboranec. boron nitrided. colemaniteAnswer:c. boron nitride Question C.Haber’s process is used for the preparation of ………….a. HNO3b. NH3c. NH2CONH2d. NH4OHAnswer:b. NH3 Question D.Thallium shows a different oxidation state … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 8 Elements of Group 1 and 2

1. Explain the following Question A.Hydrogen shows similarity with alkali metals as well as halogens.Answer: Hence, hydrogen shows similarity with alkali metals as well as halogens. Question B.Standard reduction potential of alkali metals have high negative values.Answer: Hence, standard reduction potentials of alkali metals have high negative values. Question C.Alkaline earth metals have low values … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 5 Chemical Bonding

Chapter 5 Chemical Bonding 1. Select and write the most appropriate alternatives from the given choices. Question A.Which molecule is linear?a. SO3b. CO2c. H2Sd. Cl2OAnswer:b. CO2 Question B.When the following bond types are listed in decreasing order of strength (strongest first). Which is the correct order?a. covalent > hydrogen > van der waalsb. covalent > … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 4 Structure of Atom

1. Choose the correct option. Question A.The energy difference between the shells goes on ……….. when moved away from the nucleus.a. Increasingb. decreasingc. equalizingd. staticAnswer:b. decreasing Question B.The value of Plank’s constant isa. 6.626× 10-34 Jsb. 6.023× 10-24 Jsc. 1.667 × 10-28 Jsd. 6.626× 10-28 JsAnswer:a. 6.626× 10-34 Js Question C.p-orbitals are ……. in shape.a. sphericalb. dumbbellc. double dumbbelld. diagonalAnswer:b. … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 3 Basic Analytical Techniques

1. Choose the correct option Question A.Which of the following methods can be used to separate two compounds with different solubilities in the same solvent?a. Fractional crystallizationb. Crystallizationc. Distillationd. Solvent extractionAnswer:a. Fractional crystallization Question B.Which of the following techniques is used for the separation of glycerol from soap in the soap industry?a. Distillation under reduced … Read more

Maharashtra State Board Solution Chemistry Solution Chapter 2 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry

1. Choose the correct option Question A.The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of separation, identification, and quantitative determination of the composition of different substances is called………………..a. Physical chemistryb. Inorganic chemistryc. Organic chemistryd. Analytical chemistryAnswer:d. Analytical chemistry Question B.Which one of the following property of matter is Not quantitative in nature ?a. Massb. … Read more