Maharashtra Board Text books

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Maths Part 1 Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 Solution

(I) Select the correct option from the given alternatives.

Question 1.
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Question 2.
The length of latus rectum of the parabola  – 4x – 8y + 12 = 0 is ________

(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 10
(C) 8
Given equation of parabola is
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Question 3.
If the focus of the parabola is (0, -3), its directrix is y = 3, then its equation is ________
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Question 4.
The co-ordinates of a point on the parabola y2 = 8x whose focal distance is 4 are ________

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(B) (1, ±2√2)
(C) (2, ±4)
(D) none of these
(C) (2, ±4)

Question 5.
The end points of latus rectum of the parabola y2 = 24x are ________

(A) (6, ±12)
(B) (12, ±6)
(C) (6, ±6)
(D) none of these
(A) (6, ±12)

Question 6.
Equation of the parabola with vertex at the origin and directrix with equation x + 8 = 0 is ________

(A)  = 8x
(B)  = 32x
(C)  = 16x
(D)  = 32y
(B)  = 32x
Since directrix is parallel to Y-axis,
The X-axis is the axis of the parabola.
Let the equation of parabola be  = 4ax.
Equation of directrix is x + 8 = 0
∴ a = 8
∴ required equation of parabola is  = 32x

Question 7.
The area of the triangle formed by the lines joining the vertex of the parabola x2 = 12y to the endpoints of its latus rectum is ________
(A) 22 sq. units
(B) 20 sq. units
(C) 18 sq. units
(D) 14 sq. units
(C) 18 sq. units
 = 12y
4b = 12
b = 3
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Question 8.
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Question 9.
The equation of the parabola having (2, 4) and (2, -4) as end points of its latus rectum is ________

(A)  = 4x
(B)  = 8x
(C)  = -16x
(D)  = 8y
(B)  = 8x
The given points lie in the 1st and 4th quadrants.
∴ Equation of the parabola is  = 4ax
End points of latus rectum are (a, 2a) and (a, -2a)
∴ a = 2
∴ required equation of parabola is y = 8x

Question 10.
If the parabola  = 4ax passes through (3, 2), then the length of its latus rectum is ________

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Question 11.

Question 12.

Question 14.
If the line 4x – 3y + k = 0 touches the ellipse 5 + 9 = 45, then the value of k is

(A) 21
(B) ±3√21
(C) 3
(D) 3(21)
(B) ±3√21

Question 15.
The equation of the ellipse is 16 + 25 = 400. The equations of the tangents making an angle of 180° with the major axis are
(A) x = 4
(B) y = ±4
(C) x = -4
(D) x = ±5
(B) y = ±4

Question 16.
The equation of the tangent to the ellipse 4 + 9 = 36 which is perpendicular to 3x + 4y = 17 is

(A) y = 4x + 6
(B) 3y + 4x = 6
(C) 3y = 4x + 6√5
(D) 3y = x + 25
(C) 3y = 4x + 6√5

Question 17.
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Question 18.

Question 19.
If the line 2x – y = 4 touches the hyperbola 4 – 3 = 24, the point of contact is
(A) (1, 2)
(B) (2, 3)
(C) (3, 2)
(D) (-2, -3)
(C) (3, 2)

Question 20.
The foci of hyperbola 4 – 9 – 36 = 0 are

(A) (±√13, 0)
(B) (±√11, 0)
(C) (±√12, 0)
(D) (0, ±√12)
(A) (±√13, 0)

II. Answer the following.

Question 1.
For each of the following parabolas, find focus, equation of file directrix, length of the latus rectum and ends of the latus rectum.
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Question 2.
Find the cartesian co-ordinates of the points on the parabola  = 12x whose parameters are
(i) 2
(ii) -3
Given equation of the parabola is  = 12x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 12
∴ a = 3
If t is the parameter of the point P on the parabola, then
P(t) = (a, 2at)
i.e., x = a and y = 2at …..(i)
(i) Given, t = 2
Substituting a = 3 and t = 2 in (i), we get
x = 3(2 and y = 2(3)(2)
x = 12 and y = 12
∴ The cartesian co-ordinates of the point on the parabola are (12, 12).

(ii) Given, t = -3
Substitùting a = 3 and t = -3 in (i), we get
x = 3(-3 and y = 2(3)(-3)
∴ x = 27 and y = -18
∴ The cartesian co-ordinates of the point on the parabola are (27, -18).

Question 3.
Find the co-ordinates of a point of the parabola  = 8x having focal distance 10.
Given equation of the parabola is  = 8x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 8
∴ a = 2
Focal distance of a point = x + a
Given, focal distance = 10
x + 2 = 10
∴ x = 8
Substituting x = 8 in  = 8x, we get
 = 8(8)
∴ y = ±8
∴ The co-ordinates of the points on the parabola are (8, 8) and (8, -8).

Question 4.
Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola  = 9x at the point (4, -6) on it.

Given equation of the parabola is  = 9x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 9
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Question 5.
Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola  = 8x at t = 1 on it.
Given equation of the parabola is  = 8x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 8
a = 2
t = 1
Equation of tangent with parameter t is yt = x + a
∴ The equation of tangent with t = 1 is
y(1) = x + 2(1
y = x + 2
∴ x – y + 2 = 0

Question 6.
Find the equations of the tangents to the parabola  = 9x through the point (4, 10).
Given equation of the parabola is  = 9x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
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Question 7.

Alternate method:
Comparing the given equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 24
⇒ a = 6
Equation of the directrix is x = -6.
The given point lies on the directrix.
Since tangents are drawn from a point on the directrix are perpendicular,
Tangents drawn to the parabola  = 24x from the point (-6, 9) are at the right angle.

Question 8.

Question 9.
A line touches the circle  +  = 2 and the parabola  = 8x. Show that its equation is y = ±(x + 2).
Given equation of the parabola is  = 8x
Comparing this equation with  = 4ax, we get
4a = 8
a = 2
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Question 10.
Two tangents to the parabola  = 8x meet the tangents at the vertex in P and Q. If PQ = 4, prove that the locus of the point of intersection of the two tangents is  = 8(x + 2).

Given parabola is  = 8x
Comparing with  = 4ax, we get,
4a = 8
⇒ a = 2

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Question 11.
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∴ SP subtends a right angle at Q.

Question 13.
Find the
(i) lengths of the principal axes
(ii) co-ordinates of the foci
(iii) equations of directrices
(iv) length of the latus rectum
(v) Distance between foci
(vi) distance between directrices of the curve

∴ a = 5 and b = 3
Since a > b,
X-axis is the major axis and Y-axis is the minor axis.
(i) Length of major axis = 2a = 2(5) = 10
Length of minor axis = 2b = 2(3) = 6
∴ Lengths of the principal axes are 10 and 6.

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(ii) We know that
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 II Q13(d)
Co-ordinates of foci are S(ae, 0) and S'(-ae, 0),
i.e., S(4√2, 0) and S'(-4√2, 0)

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Question 14.
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Question 15.
Find the eccentricity of an ellipse if the distance between its directrices is three times the distance between its foci.

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Question 16.
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i.e., S(5√5, 0) and S'(-5√5, 0)
Since S, A and S’ lie on the X-axis,
SA = |5√5 – 10| and S’A = |-5√5 – 10|
= |-(5√5 + 10)|
= |5√5 + 10|
∴ SA . S’A = |5√5 – 10| |5√5 + 10|
= |(5√5)2 – (10)2|
= |125 – 100|
= |25|
SA . S’A = 25

Question 17.
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Squaring both the sides, we get
4 + 8m + 4 = 5 + 4
∴  – 8m = 0
∴ m(m – 8) = 0
∴ m = 0 or m = 8
These are the slopes of the required tangents.
∴ By slope point form y – = m(x – ),
the equations of the tangents are
y + 2 = 0(x – 2) and y + 2 = 8(x – 2)
∴ y + 2 = 0 and y + 2 = 8x – 16
∴ y + 2 = 0 and 8x – y – 18 = 0.

Question 18.


Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 II Q19
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 II Q19.1

Question 20.
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∴ xy =  – 5
∴  – xy – 5 = 0, which is the required equation of the locus of P.

Question 21.
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Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 II Q21
p2 = length of perpendicular segment from S'(-3, 0) to the tangent (i)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Conic Sections Miscellaneous Exercise 7 II Q21.1

Question 22.
Find the equation of the hyperbola in the standard form if
(i) Length of conjugate axis is 5 and distance between foci is 13.
(ii) eccentricity is 2/3 and distance between foci is 12.
(iii) length of the conjugate axis is 3 and the distance between the foci is 5.

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Question 23.

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Question 24.
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Question 25.
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Question 26.
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