Maharashtra Board Text books

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Class 6 History Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Can you tell ?

Question 1.
The kings who started the minting of gold coins in India.
The Kushana kings

Question 2.
The city established by Kanishka in Kashmir.

Question 3.
The king who played the veena.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 4.
Another name for Kamrup.

2. Observe the map in the lesson. List the names of the modern cities which were part of the Gupta Empire.

3. Discuss and write:

Question 1.
Emperor Kanishka

  • Kanishka’s Empire extended from Kabul in the west to Varanasi in the east.
  • Gold and copper coins minted by him have been found in North India.
  • The fourth Buddhist council was held in Kashmir during his reign.
  • He established the city of Kanishkapur in Kashmir.

Question 2.
Iron pillar at Mehrauli

  • There is an iron pillar at Mehrauli near Delhi.
  • It has not rusted even in the course of the last fifteen hundred years. It is an excellent specimen of the metallurgical skill of the ancient Indian people.
  • The inscription on the pillar bears the names of a king called ‘Chandra’. It is on this basis that the iron pillar is assumed to be of the period of Chandragupta II.

4. Make a list of the various books and authors mentioned in the lesson:

  • ‘Milind Panha’ – questions discussed between Milinda and Bikkhu Nagarsena.
  • ‘Buddhacharita and Vajrasuchi’ – Ashvaghosh
  • ‘Harshacharita’ – Banabhatta.
  • ‘Periplus of the Erythrean sea’.

5. Make a comparative chart of the Vardhan and Gupta dynasties based on the following points.

PointsGupta DynastryVardhan Dynastry
FounderShriguptaPrabhakar Vardhan
Expansion of the kingdom/ empireThe Gupta empire spread from Assam upto the Punjab. He also conquered the eastern coastal region up to Kanchi Tamil Nadu.Harshavardhan, expanded the Vardhan Empire up to Nepal in the north, up to the river Narmada in the south, Assam in the east and Gujarat in the west.
Achievements(i) A pillar inscription at Prayag describes Samudragupta conquest and victories.
(ii) He minted coins.
(iii) There is an iron pillar at Mehrauli near Delhi which has not rusted even after a course of last fifteen hundred years.
(i) Trade flourished.
(ii) Knowledge also flourished, we know this as the famous Nalanda University existed during this time.
(iii) He wrote three Sanskrit plays Ratnavali, Naganand and Priyadarshika.
Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

6. What would you do if you met foreign travellers like Yuan Chwang?
If I were to meet a foreign traveller, I would extend my friendship, try to grasp information from his vast knowledge. Probably I would also have accompanied him to Nalanda University. I would also have emulated his virtues, learnt Chinese (Mandarin) and helped him translate Buddhist manuscripts.

7. Solve the Puzzle:
Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire 1

  1. A Chinese traveller to India.
  2. A famous Indo-Greek King had discussions with this Buddha Bhikkhu.
  3. A poet at the court of Emperor Harshavardhan, who also wrote his biography.
  4. Chandragupta II conquered this state in neighbouring Gujarat.
  5. The most famous Indo-Greek King
  6. A Pali word that means question.
  7. Kanishka was the first Emperor to make this from gold.
  8. An ancient Indian University where the Chinese traveller Yuan Chwang stayed for two years.



  1. Fa-Hien
  2. Milind
  3. Banabhatta
  4. Malwa
  5. Panhai
  6. Menander
  7. Coin
  8. Nalanda


Obtain more information about the rulers of the period following the Maurya period in India. Enact the role of a ruler of your choice.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Class 6 History Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option:

Question 1.
The last Mauryan emperor was _______.
(a) Chandragupta
(b) Brihadratha
(c) Ashoka
(b) Brihadratha

Question 2.
The Indo-Greek kings had a tradition of putting the ,______ of the king on one side and that of a deity on the other side of the coin
(a) map
(b) picture
(c) family
(b) picture

Question 3.
One of the famous Indo-Greek kings was _________.
(a) Menander
(b) Alexander
(c) Nagasena
(a) Menander

Question 4.
Menander disussed Buddhist philosophy with the Buddhist bhikkhu _____.
(a) Fa-Hein
(b) Ashoka
(c) Nagasena
(c) Nagasena

Question 5.
Menander is also referred to as ________.
(a) Pushyamitra
(b) Panha
(c) Milinda
(c) Milinda

Question 6.
The Kushanas established their________ in the northwestern region and in Kashmir in the first century CE.
(a) family
(b) friends
(c) rule
(c) rule

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 7.
The Kushan kings were the first to start minting ________ coins in India.
(a) iron
(b) copper
(c) gold
(c) gold

Question 8.
The ________ kings started the custom of putting the images of Gautam Buddha and different Indian deities on the coins.
(a) Kushana
(b) Gupta
(c) Vardhaman
(a) Kushana

Question 9.
Gold and copper coins minted by Kanishka have been found in ________ India.
(a) south
(b) north
(c) east
(b) north

Question 10.
The ________ Buddhist council was held in Kashmir during Kanishka’s reign.
(a) fourth
(b) fifth
(c) sixth
(a) fourth

Question 11.
Kanishka established the city of _______ in Kashmir.
(a) Saurashtra
(b) Malwa
(c) Kanishkapur
(c) Kanishkapur

Question 12.
The well-known poet _________ lived during the reign of Kanishka.
(a) Ashvaghosh
(b) Charaka
(c) Nagasena
(a) Ashvaghosh

Question 13.
The famous vaidya ______ was also in Kanishka’s court.
(a) Chandra
(b) Charaka
(c) Shrigupta
(b) Charaka

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 14.
The Guptas remained in power for nearly _____ centuries.
(a) one
(c) two
(c) three
(c) three

Question 15.
_____ was the founder of the Gupta dynasty.
(a) Shrigupta
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Brihadratha
(a) Shrigupta

Question 16.
Samudragupta and Chandragupta II were the notable kings of the ________ dynasty.
(a) Maurya
(b) Gupta
(c) Nanda
(b) Gupta

Question 17.
A pillar inscription at Prayag describes _________ conquests and victories.
(a) Samudragupta’s
(b) Chandragupta’s
(c) Ashoka’s
(a) Samudragupta’s

Question 18.
Samudragupta was an excellent ______ player.
(a) drum
(b) guitar
(c) veena
(c) veena

Question 19.
In the Gupta period, the Bauddha bhikkhu Fa-Hien came to ______ from China.
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) India
(c) Nepal
(b) India

Question 20.
______ has written an account of his travels in India.
(a) Harshavardhan
(b) Yuan Chwang
(c) Fa-Hien
(c) Fa-Hien

Question 21.
Prabhakar Vardhan was the _______ of Thanesar, near Delhi.
(a) general
(b) minister
(c) king
(c) king

Question 22.
The Vardhan dynasty was founded by ______.
(a) Prabhakar Vardhan
(b) Harshavardhan
(c) Kamrup
(a) Prabhakar Vardhan

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 23.
Harshavardhan established friendly relations with the emperor of ________.
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) China
(c) Tamil Nadu
(b) China

Question 24.
The capital of Harshavardhan’s Empire was ________.
(a) Kanauj
(b) Kamrup
(c) Nalanda
(a) Kanauj

Question 25.
Harshavardhan spent a large portion of his ________ for the welfare of the people.
(a) kingdom
(b) revenue
(c) mines
(b) revenue

Question 26.
The court poet ______ wrote Harshacharita a biography of Emperor Harshavardhan.
(a) Fa-Hien
(b) Banabhatta
(c) Nalanda
(b) Banabhatta

Question 27.
Harshavardhan had become a follower of ________.
(a) Buddhism
(b) Jainism
(c) Judaism
(a) Buddhism

Question 28.
The Buddhist Bhikkhu ________ had come to India from China during the regime of Harshavardhan.
(a) Yuan Chwang
(b) Fa-Hien
(c) Magasthenes
(a) Yuan Chwang

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 29.
Yuan Chwang stayed at the ________ University for two years.
(a) Mumbai
(b) Oxford
(c) Nalanda
(c) Nalanda

Question 30.
Yuan Chwang translated many Buddhist manuscripts into _________.
(a) Hindi
(b) Chinese
(c) Pali
(b) Chinese

Question 31.
The state of ______ emerged in the fourth century CE.
(a) Harappa
(b) Mohen-jo-daro
(c) Kamrup
(c) Kamrup

Question 32.
The epics Mahabharta and Ramayana use the name Tragjyotish’ for ________.
(a) Kamrup
(b) Magdha
(c) Avanti
(a) Kamrup

Question 33.
The capital of Pragjyotish state was _______.
(a) Kashmir
(b) Pragjyotishpur
(c) Manipur
(b) Pragjyotishpur

Question 34.
During the reign of King Bhaskar Varman, Yuan Chwang had visited _________.
(a) Kamrup
(b) Nalanda
(c) Manipur
(a) Kamrup

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column AColumn B
(1) Brihadratha(a) Vaidya at Kanishka’s court
(2) Menander(b) First to mint gold coins in India
(3) Charaka(c) Last Maurya king
(4) Kushana kings(d) Stayed at Nalanda university
(5) Yuan Chwang(e) Famous Indo-Greek kings

1 – c
2 – e
3 – a
4 – b
5 – d

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
Who was the last Mauryan Emperor?
The last Mauryan emperor was Brihadratha.

Question 2.
How did Pushyamitra become a king?
The Mauryan general Pushyamitra Shunga revolted against Brihadratha, killed him and became the king himself.

Question 3.
Which kings are known as Indo-Greek kings?
There were several small kingdoms in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent, ruled by Greek kings also known as Indo-Greek kings.

Question 4.
Which Indo-Greek tradition took root in India?
The Indo-Greek had a tradition of putting the picture of the king on one side and that of a deity on the other of the coin. This tradition later took root in India.

Question 5.
Name of famous Indo-Greek king.
One of the famous Indo-Greek king was Menander.

Question 6.
What is the content of Milind-Panha?
The questions that were discussed between Bhikkhu Nagasena and Milinda is the content of the book ‘Milind-Panha’.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 7.
In which region did the Kushana tribe establish their rule in India?
The Kushana tribe established their rule in the northwestern region and in Kashmir in the first century C.E.

Question 8.
Which custom was started by the Kushana kings?
The Kushana kings started a custom of putting the images of Gautam Buddha and different Indian deities on the coins.

Question 9.
Where was the fourth Buddhist council held?
The fourth Buddhist council was held in Kashmir during Kanishka’s reign.

Question 10.
Which poet and vaidya were well-known during the time of Kanishka?
During the time of Kaniska, poet Ashvagosh and vaidya Charaka were well-known.

Question 11.
Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?
Shrigupta was the founder of the Gupta dynasty.

Question 12.
Name two notable kings of the Gupta Dynasty.
Samudragupta and Chandragupta II were the two notable kings of the Gupta Dynasty.

Question 13.
Why did Sri Lanka make treaties of friendship with Samudragupta?
Due to Samudragupta’s victories, Sri Lanka came to be recognised everywhere. So Sri Lanka made a treaty of friendship with him.

Question 14.
Which Bhikkhu from China visited India during Chandragupta’s reign?
The Buddha Bhikkhu Fa-Hein came to India from China during Chandragupta’s reign.

Question 15.
What do we learn from Fa-Hien’s account of his travels in India?
From Fa-Hien’s account of his travels in India we learn about the efficient administration of the Gupta emperors.

Question 16.
Who was the founder of the Vardhan Dynasty?
Prabhakar Vardhan was the founder of the . Vardhan Dynasty.

Maharashtra Board Class 6 History Solutions Chapter 8 States after the Maurya Empire

Question 17.
Where was the capital of Harshavardhan’s Empire?
The capital of Harshavardhan’s Empire was Kanauj.

Question 18.
Which Chinese bhikkhu came to India during the reign of Harshavardhan?
The Buddhist bhikkhu Yuan Chwang had come to India from China during Harshavardhan’s reign.

Question 19.
Why did Yuan Chwang stay at Nalanda?
Yuan Chwang stayed at the Nalanda University for two years to learn and gain more knowledge about the Buddhist manuscripts.

Question 20.
Which state in ancient India is the present city of Guwahati?
The ancient state of Pragjyotish is the present city of Guwahati in Assam.

Question 21
During whose reign did Yuan Chwang visit ‘Kamrup’?
During the reign of king Bhaskar Varman, Yuan Chwang visited ‘Kamrup’.