Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

1. Form Groups of 5 to 6 and discuss. Give a rating of 1 to 5 to each of the following.
When you have to make important decisions what do you generally do?
(a) Consult parents/elders [ ]
(b) Contact friends for advice [ ]
(c) Pray to God for guidance [ ]
(d) Think deeply in silence [ ]
(e) Ask your teacher for help [ ]
(f) Toss a coin to decide [ ]

Question 1.
Form Groups of 5 to 6 and discuss. Give a rating of 1 to 5 to each of the following.
When you have to make important decisions what do you generally do?
(Answer is directly given in the box.)
(a) Consult parents/elders [b]
(b) Contact friends for advice [d]
(c) Pray to God for guidance [e]
(d) Think deeply in silence [a]
(e) Ask your teacher for help [c]
(f) Toss a coin to decide [f]
Note: Students may note their own rating after discussion.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

2. In poetry, very often, there are lines in which the poet seems to talk directly to an absent person, an abstract idea or thing/object.
Such a tactic/device used by the poet is the Figure of Speech ‘Apostrophe’.
For example,
Twinkle, twinkle little star …………
Death! Where is thy sting?
O Cave man! I wish I could live with you.
Now, complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.
(a) O, Life! How ………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Dear God, Please ………………………………………………………………….
(c) Books! You are ……………………………………………………………………..
(d) Exams! I wish ………………………………………………………………………
(e) O, You beautiful sky ……………………………………………………………….

Question 1.
complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.
(a) O, Life! How ………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Dear God, Please ………………………………………………………………….
(c) Books! You are ……………………………………………………………………..
(d) Exams! I wish ………………………………………………………………………
(e) O, You beautiful sky ……………………………………………………………….
(a) O, Life! How Strange are your ways?
(b) Dear God, Please keep me calm in my difficult days.
(c) Books! You are my dear companions.
(d) Exams! I wish you were never there, never!
(e) O, you beautiful sky send all your beauty to the earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

English Workshop:

1. Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences :

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences :
(a) According to the poet, …………. are brought by each new day. (new beginnings/new endings)
(b) We must decide to take the road which leads to ……………. . (great distress/great success)
(c) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is ………………. . (might! right)
(d) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the ………… years of his life. (worst/best)
(a) According to the poet, new beginnings are brought by each new day. (new beginnings / new endings)
(b) We must decide to take the road which leads to great success. (great distress/great success)
(c) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is right. (might/right)
(d) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the best years of his life, (worst/ best)

2. Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
1. …………, 2. …………., 3. …………., 4. …………, 5. ……………

Question 1.
Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
1. make – take
2. success – distress
3. see – me
4. way – day

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Choose the correct one from the following options.
(i) aabb (ii) abcd (iii) abcb (iv) abba

Question 1.
What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Choose the correct one from the following options.
(i) aabb (ii) abed (iii) abeb (iv) abba
(iii) abeb.

4. Match the lines in Column A with the Figures of Speech in Column B.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 1

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
(i) Decisions, I must make(a) Apostrophe
(ii) Please open up my eyes, dear Lord.(b) Alliteration
(iii) Travel down the darkened road(c) Metaphor
(iv) I can choose to take the road of life.(d) Inversion
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

5. Elements of Planning An Interview : (Group Activity)
Form groups and discuss each element of planning an interview and prepare notes on each element.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 2

6. Prepare a set of 10 questions to interview any successful teenager. You may use the following guidelines.

Question 1.
Prepare a set of 10 questions to interview any successful teenager. You may use the following guidelines.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 3
Interview questions for blind musician :

  1. Could you please tell me about your family?
  2. How did your blindness affect your career as a musician and composer?
  3. Who supported you in your venture?
  4. Who were your Gurus and what sort of training did you receive?
  5. What is your speciality in singing?
  6. Which was the best performance in your life according to you?
  7. What are the awards you have received?
  8. What are your plans for future?
  9. What is your advice to young aspirants?
  10. What can you do to encourage them?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

7. Read the poem. Write an appreciation of the poem in about 12 to 15 sentences with the help of the following points.

Question 1.
Read the poem. Write an appreciation of the poem in about 12 to 15 sentences with the help of the following points.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 4

  1. Title: ‘A Teenager’s Prayer’.
  2. The name of the Poet: J. Morse.
  3. Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘abeb.’
  4. Figure of speech (Any 1): Apostrophe, Inversion, Metaphor.
  5. Theme/Central Idea: The theme of the poem is a teenager’s dilemma about making the right decisions.

The responsibility of choice falls fully on him/her. A wrong decision may ruin the whole life. Hence the teenager in the poem prays to God for His help and guidance.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

8. Compose a short prayer in English asking God to guide you in your teenage years. Later, you can even try to make the lines rhyme to give it a poetic form.

Question 1.
Compose a short prayer in English asking God to guide you in your teenage years. Later, you can even try to make the lines rhyme to give it a poetic form.

  • O God, bless me with friends
  • with purest heart,
  • Who’ll always stand by me in dark and dust.
  • Let our friendship grow clean and right.
  • My future bright will be in my sight.

9. Look around in your vicinity – your family, friends, neighbours, classmates, etc. and write about any four teenagers who have made a name for themselves by doing something extraordinary.

Question 1.
Look around in your vicinity – your family, friends, neighbours, classmates, etc. and write about any four teenagers who have made a name for themselves by doing something extraordinary.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 5

Teenager GroupNameSpecial/extraordinary tasks/things performed
1. FamilyVishalHealthy young boy-body-building was his passion-trained-hard work-took part in various competitions-became ‘Mumbai Shree’at the age of 20-opened his own Gym-trained many body-builders-they won many titles-became rich and famous.
2. FriendsMeeraDisabled-lost a leg in an accident-prosthetic leg at the age of 15-she excelled in studies-after graduation she appeared for Maharashtra Public Service Commission exams-passed at first attempt-ranked 5th among all-became Tehsildar-worked for common man-all people loved and admired her administration.
3. NeighboursYashrajSpecial child-born blind-inclined to music since childhood-distressful life-did not give up-used to listen to songs on transistor and TV.-practised-learnt harmonium, guitar, tabla, etc.-sang classical songs-mastered every type of music-arranged many concerts-today he is a famous music director at the age of 30.
4. ClassmatesJacobWealthy family-were in big business-father wanted him to get into business-but he wanted to change the face of villages-adopted some backward villages-worked selflessly with the poor and needy people-with great patience, perseverance and sacrifice did his noble work-brought transformation in their life-improved their overall quality of life-he is respected as God by the villagers.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complex Factual Activity :
Complete the webs : (Answer is directly given.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 6

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 7

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
Complete the sentences with the help of the extract:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The person should strictly say ‘no’ to any temptation that comes in his way,
  2. It’ll keep a person’s body clean and fit.

Question 2.
Whose company does the poet wish for, in the walk of life? Why?
What effect does the speaker wish to see in himself at the end of his teens?
The poet wishes the company of God because, by the time his teenage years are over, he will know that the life he lived under the guidance and help of the Almighty, was the best.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

Question 3.
In what condition does the poet wish to maintain his body?
The poet wishes to maintain his body and keep it clean and fit each day, when temptation attracts him to do anything bad or wrong.

Activities based on Poetic Devices :

Question 1.
Identify the following figures of speech :

  1. Please open up my eyes, – Apostrophe dear Lord.
  2. And fit for life each day. – Alliteration