Maharashtra Board Text books

Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

1. Answer the Following:

Question 1.
The data entry operator wants to insert.
1. Photograph
2. Write remarks about the photograph
3. Underline the heading.
He will use:
1. <Image>
2. <Text>
3. <TextArea>
4. <Img>
5. <UL>
6. <U>
Select the correct tags from the above and arrange them in the sequence.
1. Photograph – <Img>
2. Write remarks about the photograph – <TextArea>
3. Underline the heading – <U>

Question 2.
Identify the logical operators in JavaScript.
1. OR
2. AND
3. ||
4. &
5. &&
6. ++
| |, &&

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

2. Complete the following Activity:

Question 1.
State at least three attributes of <Input>
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q1.1

Question 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q2
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q2.1

Question 3.
Group the Following.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q3
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q3.1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q3.2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

Question 4.
Write operator names with symbols in boxes.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q4
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q4.1

Question 5.
Complete following program to display multiplication of 6.40 and 300.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Series </title></head>
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q5
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Series </title></head>
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 2 Q5.1

3. Find out errors if any in the following javascript code.

Question 1.
var length, breadth;
document.write(“Area of triangle is”area);
Concatenate Operator ‘+’ is missing
document. write(“Area of triangle is” [+] area);

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

4. Solve the following puzzles.

Question A.
Fill the blocks
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 4 Q1
1) Across
2. The tag is used to create a table row.
4. Tag to create a form

2) Down
1. The attribute is used to specify the path of a linked document.
3. The tag used to display horizontal ruled line
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 4 Q1.1
2. <tr>
4. <form>
1. href
3. <hr>

Question B.
Solve the puzzle by finding words with the help of the hint given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 4 Q2
1. Boolean value.
2. Keyword used in conditional if statement.
3. Built-In function in JavaScript
4. Function to check given value is number or not
5. Keyword used to declare a variable
6. Function used to evaluate given expression
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 4 Q2.1
1. False
2. if
3. confirm
4. nan
5. var
6. False

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

5. Trace the output of the following Html code.

Question 1.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Heading tags</title></head>
<h1 align=left>Information Technology</h1>
<h2 align=center>XI Standard</h2>
<h3 align=right>Division</h3>
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 5 Q1

6. Discuss the following and answer the questions.

Question 1.
A Jr. web designer wants to design a webpage to enter the employee’s name, address. He needs a button to clear the form content and submit the data.
Write the different controls he will use to create the web page.
State the tags to be used for the controls.
A Junior Web designer will use the following controls to design web as follows:
1. Text – to create a single-line textbox for employee name
2. Text or Textarea – If he wants to create a single-line address the text control is used otherwise to create a multiline address textarea is used.
3. Submit – It is used to submit form data to the server.
4. Reset – It is used to clear form data.

Tags used for the controls are-
1. Employee Name :<Input type-”text”>
2. Address :<Input type=”text”> or
Address: <textarea rows=”4” cols-”30”><textarea>
3. <Input type=”submit” value=”submit”>
4. <Input type-”reset” value=”reset”>

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

Question 2.
A teacher has asked a student to create a web page to accept numbers and check whether it is between 50 to 100.
List the variable, operators to be used.
Specify the built-in function used and structure used.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script language =”Javascript”>
//To check whether the given no is between 50 to 100
var n;
n=prompt(“Enter any number”);
if(n<50 | | n>100)
alert(“it is less than 50, Please Re-Enter”);
alert(“it is greater than 50. Please Re-Enter”);

Variables used ‘n’
Operators used Not is equals | | less then < grater then > etc
Function is Prompt(), Alert() if then Else

7. Create web pages for the following.

Question 1.
Write a program using HTML to design your class Time Table.
Program <!Doctype Html>
<head><title> Time Table of Class XI</title>
<body bgcolor=yellow>
<h2>Time Table of Class XI</h2>
<table border=”2” bgcolor=skyblue>
<th>Period No</th>
<td>Book Keeping</td>
<td>Book Keeping</td>
<td>Book Keeping</td>
<th colspan=”7”>”L U N C H_B R E A K”</th>
<td>Organization of Commerce</td>
<td>Secretarial Practice</td>
<td>Secretarial Practice</td>
<th colspan=”7”>”S H O R T_B R E A K”</th>
<td>Organization of Commerce</td>
<td>Secretarial Practice</td>
<td>Book Keeping</td>
<td>Book Keeping</td>

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 7 Q1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

Question 2.
Write a program using HTML to create a form and submit it with personal data like name, address, and standard.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Form</title>
<body bgcolor=”#FF0100”>
<h1>Personal Data</h1><br><br><br>
Name :<input type=text name=t1><br><br>
Address:<Textarea> Address Here </textarea><p><br>
Class XI <input type=radio name=c1 value=xi>
Class XII <input type=radio name=c1 value=xii><br>
<input type=Submit name=b1 value=Submit>
<input type=reset name=b2 value=Reset>

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 7 Q2

Question 3.
Write a javascript program to accept two numbers and perform the addition of two numbers by using the mouseover event.
<title> JavaScript Program </title>
<script language = “JavaScript”>
function iload()
var c=0
a=parseInt(prompt(“Enter 1st no.”));
b=parseInt(prompt(“Enter 2nd no.”));
document.write(“Addition is”+c);
<a onMouseover=”iload();”>Addition</a></center>

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 7 Q3
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 7 Q3.1

8. Complete the following.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 8 Q1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 8 Q1.1

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

9. Write HTML Code for the following table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 9 Q1
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Html Program </title>
<table border=”1”>
<tr bgcolor=pink>
<th>Max <br>Temperature <br>in C</th>
<tr align=center bgcolor=skyblue>
<th rowspan=”2”>Maharashtra</th>
<tr align=center bgcolor=skyblue>
<tr align=center bgcolor=skyblue>
<th rowspan=”2”>Madhya Pradesh</th>
<tr align=center bgcolor=skyblue>

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing 9 Q1.1

10. Multiple choice one correct answer.

Question 1.
The default method of submitting form data is __________
(a) Post
(b) Get
(c) Submit
(d) Reset
(b) Get

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Information Technology Solutions Chapter 3 Impressive Web Designing

Question 2.
In JavaScript the post increment operator is __________
(a) x++
(b) x–
(c) –x
(d) ++x
(a) x++