English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 18 Weeds in the Garden Textbook Questions and Answers
1. List words and phrases in this story that indicate ‘time’.
Question 1.
List words and phrases in this story that indicate ‘time’.
When, time and again, soon, early one morning, suddenly, after a while, again, then, after the hard work, throughout his life, never.

2. Add proper prefixes like up-, un-, dis-, in- to the following to form opposites.
Question 1.
Add proper prefixes like up-, un-, dis-, in- to the following to form opposites.
- happy
- root
- effective
- noticed
- believe
- civilized
- continue
- happy – unhappy
- root – uproot
- effective – ineffective
- noticed – unnoticed
- believe – disbelieve
- civilized – uncivilized
- continue – discontinue
3. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
When do the parents feel sorry and become unhappy?
Parents feel sorry when they cannot indulge their kids or when they have to scold them for something wrong which they do. Even when scolding has no effect on improving the kids, parents become unhappy.

Question 2.
What methods did Anshuman’s parents use to warn Anshuman about his bad habits?
Except for beating Anshuman, his parents used gentle words, strict warnings, and scolding him now and then to warn him about his, bad habits.
Question 3.
What did Anshuman’s father compare bad habits to?
Anshuman’s father compared bad habits to the weeds. The longer you allow them to grow the harder it gets to uproot them. He further said that the wisest thing to do is to get rid of them when it is easy to do so.
4. Use the following phrase in your own sentence –
Question 1.
Use the following phrase in your own sentence –
1. in vain
2. get a hold of
3. to get rid of
1. in vain – without success
The football team tried its best to win but in vain.
2. get a hold of – to take possession.
The police got hold of the criminal after a long search.
3. to get rid of – to do away with, to discard.
We are going to get rid of our old car for a new one.

5. Language Study (See pages 84-88)
1. Read the following sentences and then highlight the prepositions.
Question 1.
Read the following sentences and then highlight the prepositions.
- for a walk
- around the farm
- specialities of plants
- in the soil
- with great effort
- for a walk
- around the farm
- specialities of plants
- in the soil
- with great effort
2. Change the meaning of the sentence by changing the preposition.
Question 1.
Change the meaning of the sentence by changing the preposition.
Question 1.
The tiger jumped into the river.
The tiger jumped out of the river.
Question 2.
Put the cubes in the box.
Put the cubes near the box.

Question 3.
We travelled to Mumbai by train.
We travelled from Mumbai by train
Question 4.
There were many people around the house.
There were many people inside the house.
Question 5.
The children were asked to come without their parents.
The children were asked to come with their parents.
3. Change the meaning by changing the adverb.
Question 3.
Change the meaning by changing the adverb.
- Speak gently
- Come in
- Hit the stone-hard with the hammer
- Speak politely, quickly, slowly
- Come here, fast
- Hit the stone gently with the hammer

6. Group Work
1. Form groups of 5-8 and list the following.
Question 1.
Form groups of 5-8 and list the following.
Bad habits
Very harmful habits
Bad habits:
- biting nails
- getting up late
- being untidy
- talking while eating
- talking loudly
- playing with the hair
- picking the nose
Very harmful habits:
- stealing
- using slang words
- disrespecting elders
- speaking rudely
- fighting with everyone

2. Discuss the following in groups.
Question 1.
Do people admit that they have bad habits?
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
What can we do to get rid of bad habits?
Do it yourself.

Question 3.
Do’s and Don’ts for young children.
Do’s | Don’ts |
1. Wash hands before eating. | 1. Talk while eating. |
2. Take small portions of food. | 2. Fill your plate when you can’t finish it. |
3. Eat everything served in the plate. | 3. Waste food. |
4. Respect elders. | 4. Disrespect elders. |
5. Be kind and gentle to all. | 5. Be rude and impolite. |
6. Be neat and presentable. | 6. Be untidy and unclean. |
7. Speak politely. | 7. Speak loudly. |
8. Help others in need. | 8. Ignore those in need. |
9. Help parents at home. | 9. Avoid work. |
10. Make friends / be friendly. | 10. Make enemies. |

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 18 Weeds in the Garden Additional Important Questions and Answers
A Textual and Additional Questions
Answer the following:
Question 1.
What did Anshuman’s parents notice about him?
Anshuman’s parents noticed that he was developing bad habits.
Question 2.
What did Anshuman refuse to believe?
Anshuman refused to believe that he was letting the bad habits get a hold over him.

Question 3.
How did Anshuman’s parents want to correct their son?
Anshuman’s parents wanted to be loving and gentle while correcting their son.
Question 4.
Where did Anshuman and his parents go to stay?
Anshuman and his parents went to stay on his grandfather’s farm.
Question 5.
What did Anshuman’s father do while taking him around the farm?
Anshuman’s father described the specialities of various plants, vines, bushes and trees while taking him around the farm.
Question 6.
Was it easy for Anshuman to pull out the slightly bigger weed? How did he pull it out?
No, it was not easy for Anshuman to pull out the slightly bigger weed. Anshuman had to carefully, twist and pull it hard so that the whole plant came out with its root from the soil.

Question 7.
What did Anshuman’s father notice, growing at a distance?
Anshuman’s father noticed the same weed growing at a distance. He noticed that the weed had grown into a big plant with tiny flowers and dark fruits.
Question 8.
Why did Anshuman’s father want the weed plant pulled out?
Anshuman’s father wanted the weed plant to be pulled out because if the weed plant was allowed to grow it would be dangerous to the other useful plants on the farm.
Question 9.
Was Anshuman successful in pulling out the weed plant with his bare hands?
Anshuman put all his strength and tried hard to pull out the weed plant but he was unsuccessful.

Question 10.
How was the weed plant pulled out?
Anshuman’s father brought some implements. They dug around the weed and with great effort managed to pull the weed plant out.
Question 11.
What did Anshuman never forget throughout his life?
Throughout his life Anshuman never forgot the early morning walk he had on the farm with his father.
Use the phrases in your own sentences.
Question 1.
to no avail – of no use, without success
We tried hard to put sense into her but to no avail.
Question 2.
no trace left – no sign left
The robbers left no trace and had taken away all the valuables from the house.

Question 3.
time and again – over and over again, repeatedly.
He has been warned not to misbehave time and again.
Question 4.
throughout his life – entire life.
Throughout his life he has been helping the sick and needy.
Language Study :
Question 1.
Pick out the prepositions
- The cat ran across the road.
- I kept my bag on the table.
- I blew air into the balloon.
- There are many pencils in the box.
- We arranged a party for mother.
- across
- on
- into
- in
- for

Change the meaning of the sentences by changing the preposition.
Question 1.
Soham reached before me.
Soham reached after me.
Question 2.
My brother ran up the hill.
My brother ran down the hill.
Question 3.
The children ran inside the house.
The children ran outside the house.

Question 4.
The cat sat on the table.
The cat sat under the table.
Question 5.
He jumped inside.
He jumped outside.
Question 6.
Change the meaning by changing the adverb.
- Walk slowly
- wait here
- read quickly
- I hurt myself yesterday
- write the answer neatly
- walk quickly
- wait there
- read slowly
- I hurt myself today
- write the answer correctly.

Do as directed:
Question 1.
- Why are you late? (Identify whether the sentence is a statement, a command, a question or an exclamation)
- You are the first student to ….. finished your work. (has/have), (Fill in with the right form of verb)
- There were many ………………. in the basket. (Fill in with a countable noun)
- She spoke ………….. to her friend. (Fill in with an adverb)
- I jumped……… the well to save the child. (Fill in with a preposition)
- I love to hear stories. (Pick out the verb and state its tense)
- I saw a ……………. butterfly in the garden. (Fill in with an adjective)
- Stand in a straight line. (Identify whether the sentence is a statement, a command, a question or an exclamation)
- The dress has a tear on …………… sleeve. (Fill in with its or it’s)
- Question
- have
- mangoes
- rudely
- into
- love-simple present tense
- colourful
- Command
- its

Question 2.
Add a prefix to get the opposite of –
- correct
- obedient
- active
- safe
- incorrect
- disobedient
- inactive
- unsafe
Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
Question 1.
What did father use to dig out the weed?
Father used implements to dig out the weed.

Question 2.
Which line in the passage tells us that Anshuman did not succeed in pulling out the weed plant?
The line ‘He pulled harder and harder but to no avail’ tells us that Anshuman did not succeed in pulling out the plant.
Question 3.
Pick out a sentence from the passage which is an exclamation.
I can’t get it out!
Question 4.
Why couldn’t Anshuman pull out the plant?
Anshuman could not pull out the plant because its roots had gone deep into the soil.
Question 5.
Why should we not develop bad habits?
Developing bad habits spoils our character. You also lose the love, respect and trust of your near and dear ones.

Writing Skills :
Question 1.
Do’s and Don’ts in a classroom.
Do’s | Don’ts |
1. Pay attention to the teacher | 1. Disturb the teacher. |
2. Complete your home work. | 2. Leave work incomplete |
3. Help your classmates. | 3. Avoid helping |
4. Speak softly. | 4. Speak loudly. |
5. Keep your classroom clean. | 5. Litter class with paper, food, pencil shavings, etc. |
6. Be disciplined. | 6. Be indisciplined and rude. |

Weeds in the Garden Summary in English
Summary :
The story ‘Weeds in the Garden’, tries to bring out the importance of correcting children and imbibing good habits at the right time. Anshuman in this story develops bad habits. His parents try their best to advise him to get out of it but in vain. His parents get a chance to correct him when they go to stay on his grandfather’s farm.
While taking a walk on the farm, Anshuman’s father points out to the weeds growing between the plants. He explains to Anshuman how these weeds are harmful to the plants on the farm. He tells him that if the weeds are not pulled out at the right time its roots would grow deeper into the soil and thus destroy the plants.
He compares the weeds to bad habits which should be pulled out before the roots grow deeper and destroy a healthy plant. In the same way if we don’t get rid of bad habits, in time it will be difficult to reform or change oneself and will destroy the person’s character. Anshuman realizes his mistake and becomes a changed person.

Meanings :
- weeds (nt) – useless plants harmful for desired vegetation
- indulge (v) – to satisfy wishes
- vain (adj) – useless, without success
- opportunity (n) – chance
- vines (n) – a climbing plant
- trace (n) – a very small amount
- avail (o) – to be of use
- implements (n) – tools or instruments