5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 16 Water Textbook Questions and Answers
1. What’s the solution?
Question 1.
Soil in the garden gets washed away with the water due to the slope of the land.
Enough trees must be planted in the garden so that the roots of the trees will make a mesh underground holding the soil firmly, not allowing the soil to get washed away.

2. Use your brain power!
Question 1.
How should roads and footpaths be built to make rainwater seep into the ground?
Use of paver stones to make roads or foot paths is a solution, as the rainwater will then be able to seep through the joints and percolate into the soil, instead of it flowing into the drains and getting wasted.
3. Answer the following questions in brief:
Question (a)
What conditions prevail during a famine?
- During a famine humans and animals suffer from scarcity of water.
- As there is no water for agriculture, grain and fodder become scarce in the famine-stricken areas.
- People living in these areas have to face a lot of hardship.
- Animals and plants in these parts also suffer.
Question (b)
What works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season?
Severals works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season like
1. Large dams are built.
2. Smaller reservoirs are built,
3. Contour bunding and constructing bunds on smaller streams.
Question (c)
Why is it necessary to stop rainwater?
1. We get rain for only four months in a year. If rainwater is not stored, we will not have water for our daily needs after the rains.
2. So in order to meet the whole year’s need for water, rainwater must be stopped.

Question (d)
What is meant by water management?
Taking steps to ensure that rainwater will be available even in the period after the rainy season is called water management.
4. True or False? Correct the wrong statements:
Question (a)
We get rainwater throughout the year.
False. We get rainwater for only four months in a year.
Question (b)
During a famine, the government moves people and animals temporarily to safe places.
Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 16 Water Additional Important Questions and Answers
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:
Question 1.
When other substances get mixed with water, it becomes ……………… .
(a) impure
(b) pure
(c) drinkable
(a) impure

Question 2.
Some impurities …………………. in water.
(a) drown
(b) float
(c) mix
(b) float
Question 3.
The substances that get mixed with the water are …………………. for living things.
(a) healthy
(b) pollutants
(c) harmful
(c) harmful
Question 4.
Rivers, lakes are our ………………….. of water.
(a) clouds
(b) tanks
(c) sources
(c) sources
Question 5.
The waste water of a city or town is collected and let into a water body at a ……………….. location.
(a) convenient
(b) busy
(c) inconvenient
(a) convenient
Question 6.
Sewage water can carry microorganisms that spread ………………… .
(a) impurities
(b) disease
(c) pollution
(b) disease

Question 7.
Waste water from industries is more likely to contain ………………. substances.
(a) poisonous
(b) non-poisonous
(c) mineral
(a) poisonous
Question 8.
If all this waste water is let into water bodies as ………………. it is, the water bodies become
(a) impurities
(b) polluted
(c) convenient
(b) polluted
Question 9.
Polluted water cannot be used for ……………………. or for any other purpose.
(a) washing
(b) exercise
(c) drinking
(c) drinking
Question 10.
Sewage and other waste water of towns and cities is …………………… for purification before letting it into a water body.
(a) processed
(b) polluted
(c) progressed
(a) processed
Question 11.
Flowing water of rivers gets purified to some extent by …………………. processes also.
(a) artificial
(b) natural
(c) chemical
(b) natural

Question 12.
Before water is supplied to a town or city, it is …………………… .
(a) polluted
(b) solidified
(c) purified
(c) purified
Question 13.
Places where it does not rain for a long time experience a …………………. .
(a) flood
(b) drought
(c) tsunami
(b) drought
Question 14.
Humans and animals ……………….. from scarcity of water.
(a) suffer
(b) enjoy
(c) relax
(a) suffer
Question 15.
Grain and fodder become ………………… during a famine.
(a) abundant
(b) scarce
(c) available
(b) scarce
Question 16.
People living in drought have to face a lot of …………………. .
(a) hardship
(b) friendship
(c) warship
(a) hardship
Question 17.
Fodder camps are set up in famine-stricken areas to take care of …………………. animals.
(a) wild
(b) milch
(c) domestic
(c) domestic

Question 18.
…………………. brings us water again and again.
(a) wells
(b) rain
(c) taps
(b) rain
Question 19.
We get rain for only ……………… months in a year.
(a) six
(b) ten
(c) four
(c) four
Question 20.
If rainwater is not …………………. we will not have water for our daily needs after the rains.
(a) stored
(b) scare
(c) evaporated
(a) stored
Question 21.
When rainwater is stopped, it …………….. into the soil.
(a) percolates
(b) evaporates
(c) precipitates
(a) percolates
Question 22.
As the ground water storage increase, …………………. get water.
(a) animals
(b) trees
(c) rocks
(b) trees
Question 23.
Rainwater falling on roofs of houses in drained into large ………………. placed beside the building.
(a) boxes
(b) canals
(c) tanks
(c) tanks
Question 24.
Taking steps to ensure that rainwater will be available even in the period after the rainy season is called …………………. management.
(a) time
(b) health
(c) water
(c) water

Answer in one sentence:
Question 1.
Where is the waste water of a city or town let out?
The waste water of a city or town is collected and let into a water body at a convenient location.
Question 2.
What does sewage water carry?
Sewage water carries microorganisms that spread diseases.
Question 3.
Which water contains poisonous substances?
Waste water from industries is more likely to contain poisonous substances.
Question 4.
Why is it compulsory for factory owners to treat the water before letting it out?
If this waste water is let into water bodies as it is then the water bodies become polluted and that is dangerous. That is why it is compulsory for factory owners to treat the water before letting it out.
Question 5.
What is a threat to aquatic living things?
If large quantities of impurities get mixed with river water, the proportion of oxygen dissolved in the water is reduced and this is a threat to aquatic living things.
Question 6.
Why is it important to read the information when we buy a bottle of drinking water?
The date of bottling and the period for which the water can be safely used is printed on the bottle. Therefore, it is important to read the information when we buy a bottle of drinking water.
Question 7.
Why should empty drinking water bottles be crushed and thrown into a garbage bin?
We must crush and throw the empty drinking water bottles into a bin, so that it cannot be reused.
Question 8.
What is a famine?
A famine is a natural disaster, where the affected area does not receive any rain, so land get dry and there is no water for humans, animals as well as agriculture.

Question 9.
How does the government help in increasing the groundwater storage level?
When it is not possible to build large dams then people and government come together to build smaller reservoirs, contour bunding, constructing bunds on smaller streams or dig wells in river beds to increase the groundwater storage level.
Question 10.
How is rainwater from roof tops saved?
Rainwater from roof tops is drained into large tanks placed besides the building thus saving rain water.
Answer the following questions in brief:
Question 1.
How does the government help famine-stricken areas?
1. The government temporarily moves people and animals from famine-stricken areas to safe places where they can be provided with water foodgrain and fodder.
2. Fodder camps are set up to take care of domestic animals.

Question 2.
What happens when rainwater percolates into the soil?
1. When the rain water percolates into the soil, the ground water storage level increases.
2. Trees get water.
3. Wells too get enough water and land can be cultivated.
Can you tell?
Question (A)
List the substances that are mixed in the waste water drained out of the kitchen and bathroom in your house.
Shampoo, soap, washing detergents, waste food particles, oil and grease from washed utensils, dirt and grime from soiled colthes.
Water Works:
Question 1.
What source of water is used for public water supply system?
Rainwater collected in reservoirs and lakes is used for public water supply system. Water from lakes like Tansa, Tulsi and Vihar supply water to Mumbai city.
Question 2.
What processes are used to make the water clean, transparent and germ-free?
Filtration, purification, chlorination

Question 3.
In what order are these processes carried out?
Settling – Oxygenating – Filtration – Chlorination.
Question 4.
What is done to rid the water of bad smells?
Alum is used in water to get rid of the bad odour.
Question (B)
If at some place, it did not rain for a very long time, what would be its effect on the life of the people there?
Due to scarcity of water there will be drought – like condition.
The people and animals will die of thirst and hunger.
Plants and farms will wither and die therefore no food will be available. This will lead to famine.

Can you recall?
Question 1.
When happens when a spoonful of sugar, sawdust and soil are added to a glass of water?
1. When sugar is added it dissolves in water.
2. When sawdust is added it does not dissolve instead it floats in water.
3. When soil is added the stones simply sink to the bottom of the glass and the soil dissolves the water making it muddy.
Question 2.
Which are the three states of water.
1. Liquid state
2. Solid-state
3. Gaseous state.
Question 3.
What is done to make drinking water clean and safe?
At homes, the tap water is filtered and boiled to purify it for drinking.

- percolates – filter gradually through a porous surface.
- scarcity – being in short supply
- fodder – food for cattle
- scarce – insufficient
- sewage – wastewater.
- prevail – prove more powerful
- grime – dirt ingrained on the surface of something
- soiled – made dirty
- transparent – clear, see-through
- wither – become dry and shrivelled
- mesh – an interlaced structure
- seep – flow or leak slowly