Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
What’s the solution?
Kabir wants to be a professor of zoology. What can he do today to prepare for that?
Kabir should study regularly and sincerely. He should read various books on animals. He should learn to speak in public by participating in elocution competition. Also he should do the project work given by the teacher and explain it in the class to his friends. By doing all these things he will develop all the skills necessary for becoming a professor.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

2. Use your brain power!

Question (a)
What skills do we already have before we leam to ride bicycle?
Before riding a bicycle we know to walk, run, jump, climb, skip and hop. Hence we are able to climb and sit on the bicycle and balance it by touching the ground with our legs.

Question (b)
Suman wishes to run a restaurant of her own in the future. Which of the skill she is learning today will be of use in her future occupation?
The following skill mentioned below which she is learning today will be of help to Suman: The skill of cooking meals, writing down the recipe, keeping an account of the money spent, making the list of grocery item needed, serving food, packing food, cleaning the table etc. are some of the few skills which will help her to run a restaurant in future.

3. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
What is meant by heredity? (Explain)
People of one family show similarities in physical characteristics in many ways. Some features or traits are like our grandparents, some like our parents and some like our brothers and sisters. Being bom with certain features or traits in common with the members of our family is called heredity.

Question (b)
What differences do we see between children in preprimary classes and children in standard?
Preprimary children are not able to read and write. They cannot dress on their own, they cannot tie shoe laces, comb their hair etc. They are dependent on their mother, teachers, and Aya for everything. Whereas a standard child can read and write, dress on his own, he can do most of the routine work independently.

Question (c)
What changes take place in us from birth till adulthood?

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question (d)
Name any three skills you have acquired.
The skills that I have acquired are skipping, jumping, reading, writing, cycling etc.

Question (e)
What is meant by physical growth?
Growing in height and weight from childhood to adulthood is called physical growth.

4. True or false?

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false:
(a) A baby gradually learn to perform newly learnt tasks without making mistake.
(b) At, birth we already learn all skills.
(c) We cannot manage all our tasks entirely by overselves.
(d) Our height manage all our tasks entirely by oversieves.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) True
(d) False

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
All living things eat grow ………………… .
(a) physically
(b) spritually
(c) mentally
(a) physically

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Human beings grow in height and weight from birth to ………………….. .
(a) childhood
(b) adulthood
(c) teens
(b) adulthood

Question 3.
When a person begins to do a task more easily without doing mistake his ……………… increase.
(a) inefficiency
(b) practicality
(c) efficiency
(c) efficiency

Question 4.
The greater the number of skills we learn, the less is our …………………. on others.
(a) independence
(b) effort
(c) dependence
(c) dependence

Question 5.
We must all learn to take ……………….. for doing our personal tasks ourselves.
(a) responsibility
(b) jobs
(c) irresponsibility
(a) responsibility

Question 6.
The features and traits that we possess right from the time we are born are known as……………….. traits.
(a) inborn
(b) inherited
(c) physical
(b) inherited

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 7.
Our personality develops through our …………………. and ……………….. .
(a) efforts
(b) strength
(c) interest
(c) interest, (a) efforts

Question 8.
Only when ………………….. are put into practice, we can say the personality developed in excellent.
(a) good thoughts/values
(b) vices
(c) bad thoughts
(a) good thoughts/values

Question 9.
Lack of …………….. also affects growth adversely even if we take nutritious food.
(a) money
(b) exercise
(c) jewellery
(b) exercise

Question 10.
We can live an independent useful and enriched life with the help of ………………. .
(a) property
(b) skills
(c) vices
(b) skills

Question 11.
Small babies ………………. do anything for themselves.
(a) can
(b) cannot
(c) able to
(b) cannot

Question 12.
Achieving control of one’s …………………. or learning to do something new is called ‘learning a skill’.
(a) limbs
(b) movements
(c) arms
(b) movements

Question 13.
Everyday, we keep …………….. .
(a) repeating
(b) walking
(c) learning
(c) learning

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 14.
With age our ……………… strength also increases.
(a) spiritual
(b) mental
(c) physical
(c) physical

Question 15.
Animals learn only a certain number of ……………….. in their life.
(a) skills
(b) hunting
(c) steps
(a) skills

Question 16.
Our height grows till we are about …………………. years old.
(a) 15
(b) 18
(c) 20
(b) 18

Question 17.
People of one family show ……………….. in many ways.
(a) similarities
(b) dissimilar
(c) bonding
(a) similarities

Question 18.
No one has any …………………. over which traits we will inherit and which we will not.
(a) tolerance
(b) control
(c) hand
(b) control

Question 19.
We …………….. the ability to learn many skills.
(a) inherit
(b) remember
(c) copy
(a) inherit

Question 20.
………………… our skills helps us to live an independent, useful and enriching life.
(a) Working out
(b) Practising
(c) Developing
(c) Developing

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 21.
Food is necessary for ……………….. .
(a) body
(b) growth
(c) diet
(b) growth

Question 22.
Along with nutritious food, adequate ………………….. is also necessary for growth and development.
(a) skills
(b) cycling
(c) exercise
(c) exercise

Question 23.
Lack of exercise ……………… growth adversely.
(a) effects
(b) affects
(c) defects
(b) affects

Question 24.
Each person has every right to get the opportunity to make progress and ……………. their own life.
(a) bench
(b) prosperous
(c) enrich
(c) enrich

Question 25.
Our physical and mental make up is not the ………………… as that of anyone else.
(a) different
(b) same
(c) similar
(b) same

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 26.
Our ……………….. develops through our interests and efforts.
(a) personality
(b) excellence
(c) exercise
(a) personality

Question 27.
Our personality can be said to be …………….. only when we put good thoughts into practice.
(a) weak
(b) average
(c) excellent
(c) excellent

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. The child is motivated to practice an activity again and again when he is praised for trying to carry out the activity.
  2. Animals go on learning many skills throughout their life.
  3. In a family all the brothers and sisters are identical.
  4. A baby learn to walk and run only after his parents teach him.
  5. If a baby is not able to walk and talk by the time it is two years, then growth and development of the baby is not taking place properly.
  6. Learning various skills makes us independent as it helps us to do various tasks on our own.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True
  6. True

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
What do you mean by ‘inherited’ traits?
The traits with which we are bom, and are common with members of our family are called ‘inherited’ traits.

Question 2.
What things would you like to do just for recreation?
I would like to play football, cricket or do drawing, painting, or read a story book.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 3.
Which are the skills that a child of Std V should learn so that he can get ready for school without depending on his mother’s help?
He should leam to wear his own tie, tie his shoes laces, wear shoes and socks, comb his hair, wear his clothes on his own. So that he can get ready for school without depending on his mother for her help.

Question 4.
What is meant by addiction?
When a particular skill or activity increases our dependence on it, by making us crave for repeating it again and again it is called addiction.

Question 5.
Name a few activities which lead to addiction and affect development of a child.
Playing video games, eating gutka, paan masala, playing games on mobile, eating chocolates etc. are a few skills or activities which lead to addiction and have bad effects on the development of a child.

Question 6.
What is learning a skill?
Achieving control of one’s movements or leam to do something new is called ‘learning a skill’.

Question 7.
What is development?
As we grow, our height, weight and physical strength increase, also we leam a lot of new skills. This progress we make is called development.

Question 8.
What skills do animals learn from their mothers?
Animals learn from their mother, skills to obtain food, protect themselves from the sun, rain and from enemies.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 9.
How do people sometimes recognize us?
People of one family show similarities, some of our features or traits are like those of our grandparents or our parent’s siblings. That is why sometimes people who know them recognize us.

Question 10.
What is heredity?
Being bom with certain features or traits in common with the members of our family is ‘heredity’.

Question 11.
What leads to good development?
We must study well, avoid addiction, develop hobbies, take part in sports, learn new skills. This way of life leads to good development.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Sayali is in the sixth standard. They are going for a picnic. Sayali’s Aai is going to make ladoos for the whole class. But she needs Sayali’s help. What can Sayali do to help?
Sayali can make a list of the ingredients needed to make ladoos with the help of her mother. Sayali can assist her mother to give shape to the ladoos. Sayali can pack the ladoos in a tiffin box. This is how Sayali can help mother.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Many skills have been mentioned in this lesson up to now. Can you do without learning some of them? Which ones are necessary for any person?
Yes, it is not necessary to leam all the skills. Everyone need not leam the skill of playing football, cook a meal, write a story, press clothes etc. However everyone should be able to eat with one’s own hand, wash one’s own face, have a bath, dressing oneself, reading a book, writing answers, communicate his thoughts etc.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How many years does it take the young ones of the tiger/elephant to start living independently?
The cub of a tiger starts living independently after 18 months. However sometimes it takes 2 years to 2 1/2 years also. The calf of an elephant starts living independently after 6 years. However sometimes they may become independent after 8-10 years also.

Question 2.
Explain what do you mean by development.
As we grow, our height and weight increases. With age our physical strength also increase. We also keep learning more and more new skills. In this way every individual makes progress. ‘This is called development’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 3.
Describe the factors that affect growth and development.
The factors that affect growth and development are the food we eat, exercise and our values and behaviour.
1. The food that we eat: If we have nutritious food we gain strength and ability to learn various skills. We also grow tall and develop a good personality. If food is not nutritious we become malnourished and development and growth gets affected.
2. Exercise also brings about proper growth and development. Lack of exercise affects growth adversely.
3. Along with food and exercise it is important that we have Food values and we put it into practice. Our values and behaviour also affect development. Good thoughts put into practice make us an excellent personality.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Always playing video games or games on mobile is not good for development.
Always playing video games has an adverse effect on personality.
Always playing video games and games on mobile makes a person addicted to it. The person cannot think of anything else and looses concentration in other activities. The child playing these games cannot concentrate in studies, nor is he able to develop new good skills.

Seeing the violence in the video game the child does not get good thoughts. Hence due to all this, good development does not take place and it affects the child’s growth and personality adversely.

Can you tell:

Question 1.
Can an infant feed itself?
No, the infant cannot feed itself. The mother has to feed the infant.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Can a two years old child fold clothes neatly?
No, a two year old child cannot fold his clothes neatly. However if taught he can try to fold his handkerchief.

Question 3.
When do they learn to these task?
The child learns to feed himself a when he is one year old. However he can feed himself properly without spilling after two years. The child can fold his clothes after he becomes five years old.

Question 4.
Which of the following things have you learnt to do? Which Ones have you yet to learn?
The tasks which a fifth Std child can do are skipping on a rope, writing an essay, combing his hair, telling a story, using a computer, etc. The child may not be able to give a speech, riding a bicycle, swimming, counting money, climbing a tree etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development


1. traits – genetically determined characteristic
2. addiction – to become dependent on something.Categories