5th Std EVS 2 Digest Chapter 10 Historic Period Textbook Questions and Answers
1. Answer the following question in one sentence.
Question a.
Where did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village settlements?
The people in the New Stone Age established their village-settlements on the banks of rivers.

Question b.
What articles were the Harappan craftsmen skilled at making?
The Harappan craftsmen were highly skilled in making bronze objects and beads from semi-precious stones of different colours.
2. Answer the following question in brief.
Question a.
What are some of the well-known characteristics of Harappan cities?
The well-known characteristics of Harappan cities are :
- Systematic town planning.
- The houses were built in blocks created by parallel roads that crossed each other at right angles.
- Huge granaries and spacious houses.
- Concern for public hygiene indicated by bathrooms and latrines in every house and a covered drainage system.
- Carefully constructed private and public wells.
- City divided into two to four parts, each having a separate fortification.

Question b.
What made the soil on the banks of the Nile fertile?
- The river Nile gets flooded every year.
- The land along her banks has become very fertile due to flood deposits.
- Small embankments were built on the river to store the floodwater.
- After the soil in the flood water settled to the bottom, the water was used for irrigation.
3. Complete the following chart.
Question 1.
Complete the following chart.

Activities :
Question a.
Show the sites of Harappan Culture in an outline map of india.
Question b.
Visit various artistes in your locality who play musical instruments. Collect information a bout their instruments.
Question c.
Visit some senior citizens in your locality and collect information about the traditional sports and games of their times.
Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 10 Historic Period Additional Important Questions and Answers
Fill in the blanks :
Question 1.
- ………………….. records are available in the form of inscriptions, manuscripts, books, etc.
- We humans change the natural character of our …………….. to some extent.
- Humans do not eat their ……………….. in its natural form as other animals do.
- Humans make pots, bricks and many other things from ……………
- Cultures which flourished in the New Stone Age were based on an ………………… way of life.
- Fertile soil and constant water supply are essential to grow good ………
- People in the New Stone Age established their village-settlements on the banks of various
- New Stone Age cultures gave rise to early …………
- The civilizations of the four regions are known as ……… Civilizations.
- Mesopotamia is the name of a ………………….
- Mesopotamia means the ………………… between two rivers.
- Ancient Mesopotamia was the land between two rivers ………………….. and …………
- Ancient ……………. has great cities like Ur, Uruk, Nippur etc.
- The river ………………. flows through the eastern part of the Sahara Desert
- One of the ancient civilizations that flourished along the banks of river Nile is known as ……………… civilization
- The ancient civilization of China developed and flourished in the valley of the ……………… river.
- According to the Chinese tradition, a king named ………………….. introduced agriculture, animal husbandry, carts, chariots, boats and clothing in China.
- Luoyang, Beijing and Chang are among the important cities of ancient ………… .
- The earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent is known as ………… civilization.
- ……………. in Punjab and ……..in Sind are the two sites of the ………………… civilization.
- The Harappan worshipped……………. and a mother goddess.
- ……………….. and ………………. were important means of entertainment in Harappan civilization.
- Games played with the help of game boards and ………….. were also popular.
- Music and ……………. were also very important in the early civilization.
- Ancient people used many types of ……… instruments.
- In Mesopotamia, a stringed instrument ………… known as ……………… was very popular.
- Egyptian kings were known as ………..
- A bronze image of a …………….. was found in excavation at Mohen-jo-daro.
- written
- surroundings
- food
- clay
- agricultural
- crop
- rivers
- civilizations
- Riverine
- region
- and
- Tigris, Euphrates
- Mesopotamia
- Nile
- Egyptian
- Huang He
- Huangdi
- China
- Harappan
- Harappa, Mohen-jo-daro
- Pashupati
- hunting, wrestling
- gamesmen
- dance
- musical
- Balag
- Pharaoh
- dancer.

Answer each of the following questions in one sentence :
Question 1.
How are written records available?
Written records are available in the form of inscriptions, manuscripts, books etc.
Question 2.
What brought an end to the New Stone Age?
With the rise of ancient civilization, the New Stone Age came to an end and the Historic Period began.
Question 3.
What is a significant difference between humans and animals?
Animals do not bring about change in their environment, whereas humans change the character of their surroundings, they process substances from nature to suit their needs. This is the significant difference between humans and animals.
Question 4.
Where did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village-settlements?
The people in the New Stone Age established their village settlements on the banks of various rivers.

Question 5.
Why did the people in the New Stone Age establish their village-settlements on the banks of various rivers?
Fertile soil and constant water supply are essential to grow good crops. Since the people in the New Stone Age followed the agricultural way of life, they established their village settlements on the banks of various rivers.
Question 6.
What gave rise to the early civilizations?
Increased production because of industrial skills, the use of the wheel, flourishing of trade, use of well-developed scripts etc. gave rise to the early civilization.
Question 7.
In which four regions of the world did the ancient civilization come into existence?
Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indian subcontinent and China are the four regions of the world where ancient civilization came into existence.
Question 8.
What are these four civilizations called? Why?
The ancient civilizations in these four regions developed in river valleys and hence they are called ‘Riverine Civilizations!

Question 9.
What does Mesopotamia mean?
Mesopotamia means ‘Land between two rivers’
Question 10.
Between which two rivers did Mesopotamia bloom?
Mesopotamia bloomed between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
Question 11.
Which were the ancient cities in Mesopotamia?
Cities like Ur, Uruk, Nippur blossomed in ancient Mesopotamia.
Question 12.
Where did the Egyptian Civilization flourish?
The Egyptian Civilization flourished along the banks of river Nile in the north of Africa.
Question 13.
Where did the ancient civilization at China flourish?
The ancient civilization of China flourished in the valley of the Huang He River.
Question 14.
What did the Chinese King introduce to the civilization?
A Chinese king Huangdi introduced agriculture, animal husbandry, wheeled carts and chariots, boats and clothing in China.

Question 15.
What was the ancient Chinese belief?
The ancient Chinese believed that their queen invented the technique of silk production and silk dyeing
Question 16.
Which were the important cities of ancient China?
Luoyang, Beijing and Chang were the important cities of ancient China.
Question 17.
Which was the earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent?
The Harappan Civilization was the earliest civilization on the Indian subcontinent.
Question 18.
Where did the Harappan Civilization develop?
The Harappan Civilization developed in the Indus Valley.
Question 19.
‘Indus’ is the English word for which name?
‘Indus is the English word for the name ‘Sindhu’.
Question 20.
Which two sites of Harappan Civilization was unearthed first?
Harappa in Punjab and Mohenjo-daro in Sind were the two sites of Harappan Civilization.
Question 21.
Which are the famous sites of the Harappan Civilization in India?
Lothal and Dhola Vira in Gujarat and Kalibangan in Rajasthan are among the famous sites of the Harappan Civilization in India.

Question 22.
What articles were the Harappan craftsmen skilled at making?
The Harappan craftsmen were highly skilled in making bronze objects and beads from precious stones of various colours.
Question 23.
Which things had great demand in Mesopotamia?
The bronze objects and beads made of colourful precious stones made by the Harappan craftsman were in great demand in Mesopotamia.
Question 24.
Which were the main deities of the Harappan civilization?
Pashuapati and a mother goddess were the main deities of the Harappan civilization.
Question 25.
Which were the important sports of the Harappans?
Hunting and wrestling were the important sports of the Harappans.
Question 26.
Which were the popular indoor games of the Harappans?
Games played with the help of game boards and gamesmen were popular indoor games of the Harappans.

Question 27.
Which indoor game similar to chess was played in ancient Egypt?
Senat’ a game similar to chess was played in ancient Egypt
Question 28.
List some toys found in the excavations of Harappan sites.
Whirls, whistles, rattles, bullock carts, animals and birds on wheels etc were some of the ‘toy’ found in the excavations of Harappan sites.
Question 29.
What was important in celebrating any festival in early civilizations?
Music and dance were very essential in elebrating any festival in early civilizations.
Question 30.
What is ‘Balag’?
In Mesopotamia, a stringed instrument known as ‘Balag’ was very popular.
Question 31.
Name some musical instruments in early civilization.
Cymbals, rattles, flutes, drums etc. were some of the musical instrumentof the early civilization
Question 32.
What were the Egyptian kings known as?
The Egyptian kings were known as ‘Pharaohs’?

Question 33.
What did the Pharaoh do on the occasion of certain festivals?
On the occasion of certain festivals, the Pharaoh himself used to participate in the celebrations and dance.
Question 34.
What shows that dance was important in the Harappan Civilization?
The bronze image of a dancer found in the excavation’ at Mohen-jo-daro is evidence that dance was important in the Harappan Civilization.
Question 35.
On what did humans and all other animals depend for satisfying their needs?
Humans and all other animals depend on their environment and nature for satisfying their needs.
Question 36.
What are the characteristics of the earthen pots of the Harappan?
The characteristics of the earthen ports are that they are well-baked, red in colour with beautiful designs.
Answer the following questions in brief.
Question 1.
What is ‘culture’?
- Every generation hands over the knowledgeof artistic skills and tradition to the next generation.
- With this exchange of thoughts and ideas, language becomes richer and richer.
- The knowledge of various arts, skills and tradition inherited from generation to generation and the way of life founded on that knowledge is ‘culture
Question 2.
What made the soil fertile on the banks of Nile?
i. River Nile gets flooded every year. The land along her banks becomes very fertile because of the flood deposits.
ii. Ancient Egyptians used to build small embankments on the river to store the flood water. After the soil in the flood water settles at the bottom, the water is then used for irrigation

Question 3.
What are the characteristics of the earthen pots made by the Harappans?
The characteristics of the earthen pots made by the Harappans are
- Well baked pots, red in colour.
- These pots had beautiful designs like pipal leaves and fish scales.
- When tapped, these pots produced a metallic sound.
Question 4.
Explain how music and dance were very important in early civilizations.
- Music and dance were very important in the early civilizations.
- They were an essential part of celebrating a festival.
- Ancient people used many types of musical instruments like balag, cymbals, rattles, flutes, drums, etc.
- A bronze image of a dancer was found in the excavation at Mohen-jo-daro is evidence that dance too, was important in the Harappan Civilization.
Question 5.
Which were the games and sports of the ancient civilizations?
- Hunting and wrestling were important sports in the ancient civilizations.
- There were several games played on game boards like chess.
- In ancient Egypt people played a game that was similar to chess known as Senat’.

Glossary :
- rattles : an instrument making rattling sound
- cymbals : brass instruments
- worshipped : prayed to
- bloomed : sprout out
- dyeing : add a colour to or change a colour
- excavation : a site that has ben escavated
- fertile : capable of producing vegetation
- spacious : having ample space
- drainage : all the components that carry the sewage and other waste water to a point of disposal
- hygiene : maintaining cleanlines
- metallic : made of metal